=> COLLEGE TASK FORCE PRESS RELEASE NEWS RELEASE NO, 1 . TIME OF RELEASE: Immediate DATE: December 19,1973. Person to Contact: Mrs. Hazel L’ Estrange, Douglas College, 5125 Empire Drive, Burnaby 2, B. C. Phone: 299-3282 Equality of opportunity for post-school education for all citizens irrespective of where they live will, within the limits of what is possible, be the aim of the Task Force on Community Colleges appointed earlier this month as part of British Columbia's Commission on Education. j Mrs, Hazel L'Estrange, Chairman, said after the Task Force's recent organizational meeting that the members had agreed that their study would pay special attention to the needs of those areas not now served by colleges, especially in the northern areas of the Province, Mrs, L'Estrange, a member of the Douglas College Council, said shat at its first meeting the Task Force planned its working pro- cedures, In mid-January asub-committee will visit all college areas to hear views on college affairs, Ata later date ideas ve sought from a number of community groups, It is expected that by wid-March a working paper will be made public and that in May a series of Public hearings will be held throughout the province. Mrs, L'Estrange said that the production of a working paper