April 22, 1992 Aerial Moth Spraying by Jud Lewis Bacillus Thuringiensis Kurstala, or BIK, is a bacterial insectiside that Agriculture Canada has planned to aerial spray over urban areas, particularily Vancouver. The spray- ing, which is planned for April and May, is intended to eradicate any of the Asian Gypsy moth larvae sus- to be inhabiting the lower pected ting A number of concerned groups are opposing the aerial spraying iming that there are numerous hazardsinvolved. W.H.EN. (World- wide Home Environmentalists’ Net- work) is one of the current] fighting the asians prejielll to eradicate the moth. Recently, W.H.E.N. received a letter reply from David Suzuki sup- porting their position, in which he stated, “Ihavenever understood how we can call it management to spray broad spectrum chemicals or biologicals [on the pest] just to get at the tiny fraction that we want to control. Surely we wouldn’t call bombing everyonein New York City ‘mariagement of criminals’.” The bacterial spray known as BTK is primarily designed for crop- dusting fields, but Agriculture Canada claims that it is safe for hu- manseventhoughnoextensive stud- ies have ever been done. Because BIK is organic it is very sensitive to contamination and thus, if contami- nated, could possibly create new bacterialogical strains, in turn lead- ing to new diseases. Recorded events of human con- tact with doses of BTK have been largely negative. A Vancouver women suffered a generalized sei- zure as well as numerous topical discomfortsincluding swelling ofher face and upper chest after acciden- tally being sprayed witha BT formu- lation. Aspray worker whosustained a splash of BT to his face and eyes devel dermititis, pruritits and topical swelling and discomfort. Health and Welfare Canada the Other Press have stated about the BTK pesticide, “bystander exposure should be avoided for all individuals regard- less of immune status”. As well, the label on products containing BITK read, “Avoid inhalation or contact with open wounds. Avoid direct application to ponds, lakes or streams.”. The product’s manufac- turer advises that allergy or asthma sufferers could be affected by expo- sure to Foray 48B (bacterial pesti- cide- BTK). Agriculture Canada, in their lat- est fact-sheet release on the pesticide, still mairitain the spray is safe for humans and does not cause damage to objects sprayed. Groups concerned about the ef- fects of the aerial dusting on the envi- ronment insist that the pesticide will —— the ecosystem of the area. The bacterial spray will kill all types of caterpillers, thus endanger- ing the local butterfly, mothand bird populations. Long term effects are still largely unresearched. Taking Steps To Stop Rape by Imtiaz Popat Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter is the oldest rape crisis centre in Canada, established in 1973 asa feminist response to rape and rape prevention. To help finance the Rape Relief crisis lines and the Women’s Shelter, the 12th Annual Walkathon around the Standley Park Seawall has been ized for Sunday 31, 1992. “The Walkisa chance to partici- pate with others who want tomakea real contribution to the liberation of women from this violence,” saidBrian Cee Te {12 women called Rape Relief about incidents of violenceagainstthem by 2 man. The Vancouver Police only seceived 17 calls that year. Only 15% of the women were interested in talk- ing to the police. Last year Rape Re- en _-by and lief received 1284 calls of violence against women. again, only 15% said that they had any hope the system increasingly our workplaces.” “T encourage other men to walk because I believe that men also ben- The Rape Relief Walkathon will help women who are living in violence at home would work for them. “Whateachcalldid haveincom- mon was that the attacker was male- a.man she knew, most most one with whom she was most involved-her father, husband, brother, lover and so on,” said Bonnie Agnew, a Rape Relief Col- lective member. “The attack took efit from a world where we support women’s liberation rather than con- tinuing the tragic history of male violence towards women and each. . other,” said Cross. Registration takes place on the Sea- wall by the Rowing Club. There will be a picnic after at Board Cook-site above Lumberman’s Arch. To regis- ter ormoreinformationcall 254-3797. By: Angus Adair He was born theson of an Evan- gelical minister. He would go on to ue the same calling. He came m as he putit, “the extra notch of the bible belt. His mother continued to be proud of her son, even after he left the church. He left because he could no longer stand the hypocrisy in the church. He became one of the church’s most vocal and vehement critics, He lambasted “God's special education team” of Jim Baker and other Televangelists constantly and publicly. He had two unsuccessfull marriages filled with pain. He had lost faithin the churchand marriage but he maintained his integrity . He pursued a career which broughthappiness to le. Hecon- eae to He vo polen aid was al- ways controversial. And he always stuck to his convictions. He was re- spected by those whoshared his pro- fession. “He was one of the best whether you liked him or not” -A week ago he married for the third time. This time he would be truetothecommitment a. us part”. Friday April 10th he and his ok rere diving’ to a performance he was to give. A 17 year old drunk Funeral For A Friend driver driving a pickup truck swerved into his lane and collided head on withhis car. They say he got out of his car and ,in deep shock, staggered forward a bit. He then laid down and his last words were “It’s Okay” . He died. His wife was taken to hospital for treatment of serious injuries. She is still in the hospital. The drunk driver sustained lit- tle injury and may face vehicular manslaughter c : The man who died wasa stand up comic. A comedy club in L.A. had a special m for him on their sign : “ Rest in Peace Sam . Make God Laugh”. This is as close as comicscome to flying flagsathalf mast. Yuk Yuk’s , in Vancouver, made a special announcement to their saturday night crowd and the comics will be taking up a small collection for his widow.The man whodied was Sam Kinnisonand he will be missed. St. Peter opened the gates and Wild Thing played as he walked through. Give 'em Hell Sam.Love A.A. W UI LUPIIOLUD fy