March 31, 1980. The Other Press i. page nine r Like it or not by Mike Kennedy Y Canadian University Please include a brief ’ oon es ey ot These penne VERS Aer Press willbelaunching resume, recent photo- of ‘’The Other Press*’. Last — apathetic. ional f , h tadd Comm ent week’s corner. had as a This same paper is on the ~ anationalfour-colour graph, present address campus magazine and telephone number, ~ (200,000 circulation) in with forwarding address - the fall of 1980, that will if applicable. Material be distributed through __ will be returned only if member newspapers. accompanied by self- addressed stamped Writers, photographers envelope. and illustrators are invited to submit Material samples of their work, should sketches, ideas and be sent outlines for consider- to: ation by the editorial board. es question, ‘‘did you attend verge of dismemberment as Woodstock2’’ The not at all a direct. . result of an Apathy is running ram- surprising response to the apathetic student popula-: ext iS — ee ques‘ion was unanimous _ tion who really do not feel While this apathetic condi: No’. Thestatement of the That = fyay have.” any tion may just be a sign of corner fomrias week. es fie dindents This disin- : the times, it still exists and simply that the Woodstock terest has Bak started to has afflicted an alarmingly 8€neration Is dead, or if not infect the staff of the paper tarde “portion cof the DC, ceaa at least no longer in Mind ae - eo ge po - attendance at our post in you, t e tact that the student body. secondary institutions. paper is short staffed and No where has this been must go through endless better exemplified, than in Woodstock, as. refer to pascle each week just to put the lack of response to two itof course, was notmerely the paper out does nine ete nineties rather extreme ‘‘Right Wing’’ letters to the editors. Even though the underlying theme of the two letters was quite sound, they were both many ‘vogue socialists’ around the campus. (Un- less, of course, we are to admit that ‘‘vogue socia- lists’* can neither read nor write). On the same page as the |most recent of the two letters—Mikey hates So- cialism—was the ‘Other a gathering or a concert, but was a mode of thinking, a willingness to express opinions rightly or wrongly, the culmination of a generation of people who the Woodstock generation who started up ‘’THE OTHER PRESS“*’ some four years ago. People who weren’t content to remain part of the administration’s propaganda machine. contribute to the overall feeling of helplessness displayed bythe staff. While the paper does not need the long-hair, rock n’ can ‘‘The Other - Press’’ (DC’s only true. student paper) continue to operate. CONFIDENTIAL TO PINK FLOYD Better a controlled thought than no thought at all. The National sy Campus roll folkie of the late sixties, : presented in sych a _ cared and weren't too lazy _ it does need the people who = Se dogmatic manner that they to do something about that care and are willing to 126 York Street - should have inspired at which they cared about. contribute. Only in this way ‘Ottawa. Ontatio least one rebuttal from the It was the like of those of : *CanadaK1N 5T5