INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE /JANUAHY 17, ty02 On mane akdlarinmcsanitiecssioaapetinainneniontiaetilien a Employment Action The Douglas College Employ- ment Action non-credit programs offer courses of interest to the broad range of people in our com- munity who are concerned with employment issues. Courses are designed to assist participants: - explore career options - understand the labour market - handle the problems of un- employment - develop effective job search skills - initiate job creation strategies Educational programs are also developed to support Community Economic Development activities in our region. Douglas College is interested in co-operating with groups who are exploring innovative job creation strategies. Non-credit courses and programs can be designed to meet the needs of an identified group of learners. Flexible co-sponsorship arrangements are available. To dis- cuss your Iearming needs, contact the Community Programs & Ser- vices Division - 520-5479. Rita Chudnovsky, Community Programmer, Margaret Zucht, Program Assistant. The following 3 courses are designed to work together as a package. Participants are en- couraged to register in all of them... 1. The Career Assessment Workshop Results from career testing can be very uscful sources of informa- tion for career choices or changes. A total of four tests and asscss- ments will be used during this workshop to help you understand your unique personality traits, inter- 8 ests, values and skills as they relate to the world of work. The tests and assessments will be administered and interpreted during the workshop so that you can obtain immediate results. Information will also be provided on available resources to help you take the next step in planning an interesting and satisfying career. I.D.#: H891-144-11A-201 Date: Sat. Feb. 4 Sessions: 1 Time: 0930 to 1630 Instructor: Marlene Haley, B.A., M.Ed. Fee: $35 (Includes cost of assess- ment materials) 2. Job Market Hot Spots Information on job market hot spots is essential for making good decisions about your career. A cer- tified Career Counsellor will teach you the ABC’s of identifying excit- ing careers that lead to opportunities and not to dead ends. This is a valuable course for people who are starting or changing their careers or considering returning to school. You will learn how to match your career interests with what’s happening in our fast paced competitive job market. L.D.#: H891-144-11B-201 Date: Sat. Mar. 4 Sessions: 1 Time: 0930 to 1700 Fee: $30 Instructor: Marlene Haley, B.A., M. Ed. 3. Tapping the Hidden Job Market Did you know that 80% of all available jobs are never publicly ad- vertised? This workshop is designed to help job seekers and changers organize and execute a job search that taps these hidden jobs. You will learn to present yourself in a professional manner in person and on paper. Topics to be covered will include: - the information interview: the key to hidden jobs - networking: using your contacts - application forms & letters - making resumes work for you - the job interview - job-keeping skills 1,D.#: H892-144-11C-201 Date: Sat. Apr. 8 Sessions: 1 Time: 0930 to 1700 Fee: $30 Instructor: Marlene Haley, B.A., M. Ed. Career Development: Making the Most of your Current Job Are you feeling stuck in or frustrated with your current job? This workshop is designed for people who have a full or part-time job, but would like to explore ways of increasing their job satisfaction and effectiveness. The focus will be career development - finding a career path that allows you to make changes in your current job or take advantage of other jobs in your workplace. Strategies for enriching your life during and after work hours will be explored. The day will include structural small group activities. 1.D.#: H891-144-11D-201 Date: Saturday, Mar. 18 Sessions: 1 Time: 0900 to 1600 Instructor: Douglas College Coun- selling Department and UBC Graduate Counselling Team. Fee: $25 - includes lunch a UM RI CR a