INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / JANUARY 8, 1991 Instructional Skills Workshop: January 7-10, 1991 ‘Te College Wide Faculty Professional Development Com- mittee recently approved the Spring ‘91 plan. This plan incor- porates the offering of the Instruc- tional Skills Workshop at strategic times throughout the academic year. The Instructional Skills Workshop Program began over a decade ago (1978) at the request of the B.C. Council of College and In- stitute Principals. Although the situation has changed somewhat, many faculty still enter the College as content area experts with no for- mal teaching preparation. The Instructional Skills . Workshop concentrates on development of the fundamental skills of writing instructional objec- tives, preparing lessons plans, designing pre and post assessment strategies and conducting instruc- tional sessions. The workshop is a voluntary activity for individuals from all areas within the College with vary- ing levels of experience. Some faculty use the workshop as an op- portunity to learn teaching skills, while other more experienced in- Faculty Development Workshops** Series V (Spring 1991) Community College Exchange Program February 4, 1991, 1000-1200, Boardroom structors view it as an opportunity to revitalize or enhance their reper- toire of skills. During the workshop, each of 5 or 6 participants practice instruc- tional design skills, designs and conducts three, ten minute "mini- lessons", receives oral, written and video feedback on the conduct of each lesson and sets new perfor- mance objectives at the end of each design-instruction-evaluation cycle. The January 1991 Instructional Skills Workshop, running from January 7 to 10 totals 24 hours of contact and utilizes two trained ISW facilitators. It is based ona peer training model. For more information and to reserve a seat for January or future times, call Eugene Hru- showy, Faculty P.D. Consultant, local 5122. mi April 4, 1991, 1200-1400, 1807 Instructional Media Services - Guided Tours February 14, 1991, 1000-1200, 3142 March 28, 1991, 1200-1400,3142 *Ethical Encounters for College Personnel February 21, 1991 0900-1200 TBA *Learner-Participant Rentention February 21,1991 1300-1600,2203 *Learning Committee February 22, 1991 0900-1500, 2201 Integrated Neuro Systems March 4, 1991, 0900-1200, TBA Women’s Ways of Knowing March 14, 1991, 0900-1200, TBA Learning Styles March 18, 1991, 1200-1500, 2212 "During Spring ae ae 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NB, Open to All Employees of Douglas College 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2:8 29) 30) 3