Jhe $B Mad Hatter A Douglas College Newsletter. Special Edition January 6, 1988 To: The College Community From: Bill Day Re: Information on Faculty negotiations I is not my usual practice to comment on negotiations. However, several public documents on the current negotiations with faculty have caused some con- fusion in the College com- munity. | want to set the record straight. | will not go into details on the last College proposal tabled December 22nd. However, | would like to point out several of the high- lights. - 1. The College offered a 3.75 per cent retroactive increase in the first year to regular faculty. It tabled a 3.75 per cent in- crease in the second year. This would place the faculty wage scale in the mid range of college faculty rates in British Columbia. We also tabled a $250 signing bonus. - 2. The College offered a one per cent increase to contract faculty in the first year. A $100 signing bonus was also put on the table. Eligible con- tract faculty in the second year would receive, upon applica- tion, prorated health and welfare benefits. Benefits such as Group Life and Dental, MSP and EHB would be avail- able. - 3. Other benefits include an increase to 25 cents per kilometre from 19.9 cents and 100 per cent dental coverage. The offer included improve- ments in the funding for professional develop- ment. - 4. The College proposal on management rights and the selection of con- tract faculty met with agreement by the faculty bargaining committee. The College has made a sincere effort to bargain in good faith. We take pride in our faculty and staff. We have sought increases in productivity for the benefit of greater funding. We have also acknowledged that faculty, staff and ad- ministrators have made our college more productive. During a very difficult finan- cial time, not one regular faculty lost his or her job. Pay rates for regular faculty during this time have remained comparable with other institutions our size. Contract faculty on the other hand, are now among the top paid in the province. In conclusion, | want to stress that this letter is not to undermine the position of the faculty association. It is a response to documents cir- culated in the College. The faculty association has a right to its own views. | hope this clarifies the College’s position.