INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MAY 2, 1989 President's Report Continued On March 23, I reviewed the P.E./Recreation long range plan- ning document which was produced by P.E./Recreation faculty over the past nine months. Bev Miller, Depart- ment Head for the Social Services and Allied Health Department and John Mc- Kendry are very supportive of the plan, which provides a clear- ly defined set of goals, and operational objectives for the next five years. Because of the interlocks with services and community programs across the institution, the proposals carry significance outside the depart- ment and division. During the month, additional meetings occurred on the topic of Co-operative Education, coor- dination/administration at the department level, and five year planning assumptions. INTERNAL MATTERS - GENERAL On March 22, a luncheon was held to say farewell to Toru Miyake, our faculty colleague from Momoyama University in Osaka. His colleagues in the field of English as a Second Lan- guage will miss Toru’s cheery presence. On March 28, the Board held its annual appreciation dinner for retiring board members. At that time, board members had the opportunity to express thanks to Gena Ballantyne, for her many years of exemplary _ service to the board and to the College. Gena is retiring this month, and by the time this report is read in the Insider, will be holidaying on the coast of Oregon. Lorraine Aldridge of the Payroll Department is also retiring, and was hosted at a farewell party of her colleagues. It is a pleasure to report the resolution of a Step 3 grievance by the DCFA. I have found in favour of the Union in this mat- ter. “Debriefing” meetings were held during the month, stem- ming from the Foundation Fair “Week”. The Foundation and the College Alumni Association are already planning for a bigger and better extravaganza “next time round”. Gordon Gilgan as Acting President during my absence in Japan reported the following: On April 5th Mrs. Myrna Popove hosted the Deputy Mini- ster, Mr. G. Mullins, and Dr. Jack Newberry, Director of Lower Mainland Colleges from the Ministry of Advanced Education and Job Training. They gave a presentation on the Access Program and the 1989/90 Budget. Their first meeting was with the Board and Senior Management, then with the Associations and sub- sequently an open meeting which was well attended. That evening the Coaches din- ner and on April 7th the Athletic Banquet honoured our success- ful teams and individual athletes this year. The College’s studio theatre production “Waiting for the Parade” was sold out. The Bach Choir concerts were excellent and were also sold out.