Sy ee we re ee ee Fue: "SEXUALITY AND COMMUNI CATION"! WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, ROOM 407 a-b, TIME: 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. DOUGLAS COLLEGE STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY AND FRIENDS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND "Sexuality and Communication'' is a 55-minute film of a symposium held at the Ontario Science Centre by Drs. Beryl and Avinoam Chernick. The film deals with medical and emotional aspects of sexuality with special emphasis on the importance of communication. Using the medium of role-play, the film features the Doctors Chernick, a husband and wife team, in an exploration of the subjects of sexuality and communication as they relate to both doctor/patient relation- ships and husband/wife relationships. ai tn response to a request for an evening showing, this film presentation will be repeated in a time period particularly for couples or individuals who missed the first showing. While this film contains a mature handling of sexual material, it may be offensive to some people. For further information, please contact Bonnie McGhie, Counselling Centre, Surrey Campus