OtherPress. Room 1020-700 Royal Ave. Douglas College New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 TELEPHONE: 604.525.3542 WEBSITE: theotherpress.ca EMAIL: editor@theotherpress.ca STAFF LIST Natalie Serafini Editor-in-Chief Meditor@theotherpress.ca Eric Wilkins Assistant Editor Massistant@theotherpress.ca Angela Ho Business Manager Chandler Walter Distribution Manager Mike LeMieux Layout Manager Joel McCarthy Graphics Manager Cara Seccafien Production Assistant Ed Appleby IHustrator Jony Roy Social Media Coordinator Angela Espinoza News Editor Minews@theotherpress.ca Now Hiring! Staff Reporter Cheryl Minns Arts Editor Marts@theotherpress.ca Chitwan Khosla Features Editor Mfeatures@theotherpress.ca Brittney MacDonald Life & Style Editor Mlifeandstyle@theotherpress.ca Elliot Chan Opinions Editor Mopinions@theotherpress.ca Sharon Miki Humour Editor Mhumour@theotherpress.ca Staff Writers Alex Stanton Cazzy Lewchuk Mercedes Deutscher Senior Columnists Steven Cayer Adam Tatelman Andrea Arscott Jerrison Oracion Columnists Kirsten Scott-Wuori Contributors Koy Tayler Ode to IUD t’s been six months that we’ve been together, and I never knew how cared for and carefree I could be until you entered my life. It was difficult and even uncomfortable at first. I was nervous, palms sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy, but I knew that it was right—or at least, that I would never find out if it was right unless I gave it a shot. Now, I’m so glad that I tooka Ok, I know that was a bizarre and borderline advertisement-sounding start to my Lettitor, but bear with me. I’ve only actually been on device, or IUD. When I first started taking the Pill, and my doctor suggested I might like something more convenient (and more implanted), I remember quickly shaking my head and saying that I'd prefer the conscientious nature of the Pill, feeling like I was on top of things and in control of my © Getloknowus! © The Other Press has been Douglas College’s student newspaper since 1976. Since 1978 we have been an autonomous publication, independent of the student union. We area registered society under the Society Act of British Columbia, governed by an eight-person board of directors appointed by our staff. Our head office is located in the New Westminster campus. © The Other Press is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly during the summer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected through tutition fees every semester at registration, and from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member ofthe Canadian University Press (CUP), asyndicate of student newspapers that includes : but I started to resent the hassle : birth control. It worked out for a while, : of taking a daily dose, and the : slight tinge of embarrassment : if | was in front of people : when my “Take your pill, ya : dummy!” alarm went off. There : were also the effects it had : on my body; the fact that I : stupidly didn’t know there was : achance of getting pregnant chance on life, love, and an IUD. : while taking the pack’s sugar : pills (menstruating) until I : mentioned it to my mother and she sat me down in front of a : box of Plan B; and, the biggest : inconvenience, the fact that two forms of birth control in my : life: the Pill and the intrauterine : I'd have to go to the doctor’s : prescription. Eventually, after roughly a year of being on the Pill, I : decided that it was not the : preventative measure for me. I want to stress that, while I was unhappy with the Pill, : there are plenty of people who : are perfectly happy with it. I’m : terrified of a pregnancy, so I papers from all across Canada. © The OtherPressreservestheright to choose what we will publish, and we will not publish material that is hateful, obscene, or condones or promotes illegal activities. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. All images used are copyright to their respective owners. : remember checking, double- : checking, triple-checking that : [had taken my Pill, every day. : [remember sobbing when | : was three days late, because : Iwas worried that I should : have been more careful. It was : largely the Pill’s system that : just didn’t work for me, but : while I’ve been happy with an : IUD, it also might not be right : for everyone. The idea of this : article is to encourage you to : find the method that works best : for you. After intensive research : into my options—and into the : procedure itself—I decided that : I wanted an IUD, I wanted it for : five years, and I wanted it ASAP. every few months to get another : : are true: getting an IUD isa : tremendously uncomfortable : experience. Bad cramps sustain : for hours after the procedure : is over. My doctor tried to ; make the process easier, and : she succeeded somewhat, but : there’s only so much you can : do with a procedure involving a : speculum. The rumours you've heard Image from uk.lifestyle. Yahoo.com Nonetheless, I couldn’t : be happier with having taken : the plunge and gotten an IUD. : I’ve saved countless dollars : compared with the Pill—the : IUD was actually 100 per cent : free on my medical plan; I also : don't have to worry about my : birth control on a daily basis, : or every three months when : it would be time to get a new : prescription. The bottom line is, if you : choose to become sexually : active—and there’s no shame in : opting not to—you've gotta find : the right contraception for you : and your body. Sometimes that : will mean trial and error, a lot : of research, or talking with your : doctor. At the end of the day, it’s : your body and your business, so : be the CEO of dat sheeit. Hello gorgeous, Natali Serafin’ Editor-in-Chief @ theotherpress.ca | +f facebook.com/DouglasOtherPress | twitter.com/theotherpress youtube.com/user/theotherpress instagram.com/theotherpress