The Other Press November 22, 1985 page 1; Thanx for the cartoons. % We want more! Mixed Witz ee, Col. Duiske TF I CAN PUT IT OVTOFMY MIND FRED THE FRIENDLY FIREFIGHTER MEETS DENNY ‘THE FIRE BREATHING DRAGON... How d'you do Mr. Lucas, I'm G.M. Tarkin of “Project High Frontiers”. My associate and I understand that you intend to sue us over alleged copyright violations MAYBE WILL SU ARRIVE Sens yn) nf) CURWEATIE Granhic: Varsity The Swamp Pig is coming to Expo 86. Heads... (T Was prpagedT To EVERYONE THaT TiA WAS LYiAy ABOUT His Wo0d- WORKING SKILLS WHEP HE ACCIDEATLY SEVERED His Heap wita.A LATHE. Tait “7 Imprint aphic Graphic/ The Imprint | cr _ If we had to put a price on five years of a Black man’s — _ labour, 2 months’ salary is just about where we think it should be. Because thats what makes profits high and beutiful -using the cheap, racist labour policies of South © Africa today. And that means a lot when you consider profit - is the one thing we think about every day of our lives. — It comes down to a question of priorities. And. : what’ s more Apna rales our Hebets aa YU tO Cll iopate PECEMBER 2 & CG Che nse pda ee ayansgel by the Deph lalize Merlatig Chad