siemens tn il the tintin’ ne cin tee a I RY a ee em er ett Sees I UT hgh the other press February 14, 1977 events Studio 58 presents ‘‘Three Sisters’* by Anton Chekhov, directed by Svetlana Smith to Feb. 26. 8 p.m. $2.50. Studio 58 100 W. 49 Ave., Van. 324-5227. SFU The Simon Fraser Gallery presents an exhibition of John- son SS Chow’s Chinese Paint- ings to Feb. 25. Simon Fraser Gallery, AQ3004, SFU, 291-4266 The Simon Fraser Group Theatre Productions are pro- ducing ‘‘Peer Gynt’’ by Henrik Ibsen, directed by David Roten- berg, Feb. 23-26 nightly at 8 p.m. For more info. call the SFU Box Office. UBC Women’s Resources Centre looks at women’s lives on video and film: ‘‘Equal to the Man Next to Me’’, Every Thursday to March 10. Room 301, Van. Public Library, 750 Burrard, Van. SOCIETY CASHIER P-O.. Box 2503 BAR ATTENDANTS ADVEPTISING MANAGER FOR THE OTHER PRESS NEWSPAPER APPLICATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY, February 11,1977 for specifics or send resume to JOB OPENINGS: IMMEDIATELY FOR: DOUGLAS COLLEGE STUDENT PUB STAFF: PUB MANAGER BOUNCERS OR SECURITY GUARDS WAITERS/WAITRESSES C:-Grout,Business Manager New Westminster, B-C: V3L 5B2 Women’s Workshop sponsor- ed by the UBC Women’s Cen- tre. Dr. Sara David, clinical psychologist, Douglas College and Simon Fraser University on Emotional Self-Defense. Mil- dred Brock Room, Brock Hall. Fee $30. From Friday, Feb. 18-Sun., Feb. 20. For more info. and essential pre-registration, phone 228-2163. Skate UBC spring session: a 10 week session of group les- sons begins on Saturday, Feb. 19. Children and adults put into groups according to skill. For further info. call: 228-5995. Monday, Tuesday or Thursday or Friday. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. UBC Fine Arts Gallery pre- sents an exhibition entitled ‘Transitions’, an examination of extreme changes in style and accompanying attitudes on the part of six contemporary artists. Continues to March 5S. Base- ment, main library. Freddy Wood Theatre pre- sents “‘The Revenger’s Tra- gedy’’ by Cyril Tourneur, March 2 - March 12, 8 p.m. ~_$3.50,$4.00 Students $2. For info. call: 228-2678. THE PLAYHOUSE ACTING SCHOOL 1977-79 a} his, sma ee be only. a ial PLAYHOUSE THEATRE CENTRE OF On New initial coe Ken McCoy MUSIC The Vancouver New Music Society presents ‘‘An Evening of Electronics’? under the di- rection of Barry Truax and Bruce Davis of the World Sound Project. Wednesday, Feb. 16, 8:30 p.m. $3.50,$2. Van. East Cul. Centre, 1895 Venables St., Van. 254-9578. Cultural Centre presents Days, Months, and Years To Come with premiere works by , John Fodi: In Campo Aperto and John Ray: Jeux de Scene. Sun., Feb. 27, 9 p.m. $3 VECC 1895 Venables St., Van. 254- 9578. Famous Artists present The Osipov Balalaika Orchestra, Feb. 25 and 26, 8:30 p.m. Tickets from the Bay box office: 681-3351. QET. D.Y.H. Lui presents: Dave Brubeck with Two Gener- ations of Brubeck! Thursday, March 3rd 8 p.m. $4.50-$7.50 from all VTC outlets. QET Bach to Brahms In Burnaby presents the third in the series featuring the Vancouver Brass Quintet, Feb. 25 $4,$3. 8 p.m. in Century Park. DANCE The Mountain Dance Theatre performs at the Brackendale Art Gallery, Sunday, Feb. 20, 8 p.m. and at the Playhouse ‘Sunday Morning Coffee Con- cert’, Feb. 27 at 11:00 a.m. $1.00 THEATRE ‘‘Naked on the North Shore’ written and performed by Ted Johns for two weeks only, Feb. 15-26: 12:15 p.m. Tues.-Fri. and 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday $3,$2 City Stage 751 Thurlow St., Van. 688-7013. DYH Lui presents Sir Michael Redgrave in ‘‘Shakespeare’s People’’, a celebration of Shakespeare in words and mus- ic. A condensed digest including _ excerpts from Richard II, Ham- let, Lear, Twelfth Night and MacBeth. April 4-23, 8:30 p.m. $6.50,$7.50. DYH Lui Theatre, 1036 Richards, Van., 669-0931. “*School for Scandal’’ held over to Feb. 26, 8:30 p.m. Sat., 7 and 10. Arts Club, 1181 Seymour. 669-4601. Career Seminar Motel/Hotel Management Careers Wed february 23 12-2 p.m. new westminster boardroom 700 bid. PARKING Limited parking is an aggravation at Douglas College. This situation is fully recognized by the College but there are only limited possibilities of improvement. These possibili- ties are being investigated but the problem will remain. It is therefore necessary to solicit your cooperation in respect to parking only in approved white lined parking spaces. If parking is not available in your preferred area, please look around. Do not leave your car parked outside of a designated parking space. The New Westminster Fire Department requires that free access fire lanes be maintained and it will be necessary to tow away any illegally parked cars. Relief from a tight parking situation on campus is generally available at the Canada Games Pool Parking lot. AT the request of the Recreation Centre management, please use the 6th Avenue entrance only. Althoughthe Recreation Centre lot is considered a Public Facility, Douglas College cannot guarantee you will not be towed from this lot. May we please have your cooperation in the use of the marked parking space