IT’S EVERYONE’S CONCERN that if teachers copy programs DID ) off-air from a television station YOU zx and use them in a classroom KNOW: without permission, they are * using stolen goods to teach children, and what they have done can constitute a criminal offence; a a that if teachers rent video programs from a home video store and use them in a classroom, they have violated the Copyright Act and may be prosecuted; ie « that teachers must check before making a copy of a video cassette otherwise they may be committing an offence. Teachers are not assured that the school board or their teachers’ association would pay the lawyer’s fees for defending a teacher prosecuted for unauthorized copying. W e know that these and other copyright abuses are common practice in many schools. We also know that some of these violations may be ignorance of the laws of Canada. Therefore, we urge you to make your teachers fully aware of the above facts immediately. The Educational Media Producers and Distributors Association of Canada is an organization of 29 companies which supply most of the film and video programs used in your schools. Member companies and indeed the entire industry are threatened by the extent of the theft involved. In dollar value the collective theft exceeds, by far, the expenditures by schools for legally acquired materials. This theft and illegal use of copyrighted programs is not just a question of professional ethics. If it is not stopped and stopped soon, your main source of educational materials will disappear. We know it is frustrating for teachers to see programs they want to use in class and not be able to get them. We want our materials to be accessible and we are exploring methods to increase accessibility. But stealing is stealing and it cannot be condoned by school administration at any level of the educational system. Please take time to give this matter your full consideration and support. The 1982 lawsuit against twenty-two Quebec Community Colleges placed the value of illegally acquired video programs at $4,000,000. Now, special copyright investigation units have been established by appropriate law enforcement agencies. To protect yourself and your teachers: « « «8 illegally acquired video programs should be erased immediately =« « s# fental video programs should not be shown in classrooms unless they have been acquired from a source which is authorized to grant a public performance license. Pout fee ‘ bey "See over for member companies Copyright is everyone’s concern. Compliance with the laws protecting it is in your own best interest.