i —————— —_—— t ] } TERMS OF REFERENCE for a REVIEW _ OF -COLLE EGE RESPONSE TO WOMEN LEARNE! NERS - Over the last decade, the student population of Douglas College has undergone drastic changes. Students now are much older; a substantial ‘proportion are women; and a growing number attend part-time. Educational goals seem to have diversified, as have the perceived needs of College- level learners. By all indications, we can expect a continued trend towards a College population composed heavily of older learners, particularly of As the College has reorganized its administrative and geographic responsibilities and reviewing its basic educational philosophy, now is an appropriate time to also examine its response to women learners. The Advisory Committee of Programs for Women has assessed community needs in its March, 1981 report for the two new colleges. a Continuing and Community Education in Douglas College I, through its . Special Program Unit for Women, carried the mandate of promoting the personal and intellectual growth of women; facilitating the inclusion of female experience and role in the offerings of the disciplines; providing for -.itable integration and co-ordination of women's studies materials; and desi yning and implementing research tor the planning of specific phases “s£ future growth of the College within its community. As well, the Unit designed and implemented non-credit courses and programs for women and attempted to ease their return to the College. This ‘mandate-wae:, however, not intended to be a substitute for institutional development and response. As the College's students are now largely female (66% overall; up to 75% mature) the issue is relevant to all sectors. In order to discover the extent and direction of Douglas College's responsiveness to its growing female population, the Community Programs 6 Services Division proposes to initiate a cross-College study of programs, services and personnel as they affect women students, both re-entry and ongoing. This study will be co-ordinated by the Manager of Special Programme Unit for Women but will be conducted by Divisional and Departmental Personnel. The Manager will consult with each Division to determine the most appropriate mechanism for review and analysis of that Divisions activities. || _ = SS 7" - a a = — a = — Vie