WORK-STUDY Each year Douglas College is allocated a Work-Study budget from the Ministry of Advanced Education & Job Training. The Work- Study Program provides part-time employment (5 - 15 hours per week ) to full-time students. Students may be employed at Douglas College or off-campus with a non-profit organization. Students must qualify on the basis of financial need. Eligi- bility is determined by the Student Finance and Placement Office, after the assessment of each student's Canada Student Loan/B.C. Stu- dent Loan and the information provided on the Work-Study application form. Students may work between 50 and 150 hours per semester de- pending upon their assessed need. At this time we would like to ask for project submissions from interested College personnel. We are looking for one-time (non- repeating) projects that will be in addition to the normal on-going activities of the department. The projects should provide students with opportunities to develop career-related skills. Work-Study application forms are available at the Student Placement Office, room 2710. The deadline to submit Work-Study Project Applications is Monday, November 30th, 1987. P Sew PL/1r