President’s R eport To Douglas College Board, Sept. 15, 1983 A, EXTERNAL MATTERS - mUNICIPAL A revised plan for the development of the New Westminster waterfront has been pres- ented to the New Westminster City Council by the First Capital City Development Com- pany. Apparently, City Council has ex- pressed support of the revised plan, which calls for a group of relatively small par- cels of land to be developed along the wat- erfront, rather than a large development by a single developer. I beleive that the acceptance of this new plan will increase the pressure on the City to resolve the issue of the 5 Acres that have been reserved on the waterfront for Douglas College use, as opposed to the al- location of Simcoe Park to Douglas College. B. EXTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION Mr. Les Canty, Assistant to the Deputy Min- ister of Education, paid an informal visit to the college on September 6. Mr. Canty was familiarizing himself with the Doulgas College facilities and present programs at the request of the Deputy Minister. The Deans, the Bursar, and I hosted Mr. Canty for lunch, and spent a very useful hour in discussing the provincial educational scene. Qn September 12, I participated in the Coun- cil of Principal's Executive Committee meet- ing, in order to plan a number of policy | meetings during the fall - mostly relating to the implications of Bill 20 and the pro- posed new forula financing system. On September 14, the Educational Policy & Planning Committee met, and has commenced development of a proposed policy statement for the consideration of the Board on fund- ing alternatives in credit programs and courses. On September 15, Mr. Ted Killough, District Superintendent of Schools for Maple Ridge, and I met, in order to discuss the implica- tions of Bill 20 in regard to the long range relationship of Maple Ridge School District and Douglas College. i ——__—______ DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES Mad Hatter Page? nee A further meeting has occurred between Gordon Thom of BCIT, and Gordon Gilgan and Bill Day, regarding possible program shifts. Within the next two weeks, both institutions will have exchanged comment- aries. Grant Fisher is being kept fully informed. C. INTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION Ms. Randi Duke, Community Resource Devel- opment Officer, was welcomed to the col- , lege two weeks ago, and is completing an initial round of orientation meetings, both inside and outside the college. She has spent two days at Malaspina Col- lege, and is working with Ms. Joy Leach of Malaspina College on a provincial confer- ence on Youth Employment, to be held at Douglas College late this month. All applications for the position of Dean of Applied Programs have been reviewed, and a short-list established for an initial round of interviews which are expected to be completed by the end of September. D. INTERNAL MATTERS - LABOR RELATIONS Negotiations with the BCGEU have been con- cluded, and this evening a recommended con- tract will be presented to the Board. Negotiations with the Faculty Association are expected to resume soon. E. INTERNAL MATTERS - GENERAL A report will be made later this evening by Mr. Gl DellaMattia regarding student registration. It is clear that there has been a very considerable increase in stu- dent enrollment at Douglas College, within the framework of considerably reduced fac- ulty and staff complement, using last Sept- meber as a base. It is a pleasure to publicly acknowledge the spirit of cooperation that was clearly evident during the entire registration pro- cess, during which faculty, staff, admin- istrators and the Student Society went to extraordinary efforts to accommodate a rec- ord number of student applicants.