MAD HATTER PAGE 3 DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES centre that allows on-campus music listening. The new facilities include a sophisti- cated instructional resource studio with production capabilities at a professional level. This presents 4 number of exciting programming options. Investigations have begun on defining the educational response to this grow- ing need for people in the "information' field of computer work. PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD, JUNE 17, 1982 A. External Matters - Municipal: Mr. Graydon and I have had a meeting with Mr. D. Manning, New Westminster City Administrator, regarding budget difficulties we are experiencing with the forecast cost of city services and road rebuilding around the per- manent campus. I have informed the City Manager of the College's absolute determination that the budget will not be overrun. The City Manager has promised full co- operation in ensuring that the budget allocation for this purpose, made in consultation with the City two years ago, will do the job. B. External Matters - Education: In company with members of the Board and others, I attended the ACCC Conference in Toronto, and the BCAC Annual Conference and General Meet- ing over the past two weeks. Other members of delegations will be making their reports in due course. It is evident that on the national level, issues of technological change in the communications field, and the connect- ion between occupational training and the national economy are overriding issues. This morning, I met with Dr. Grant Fisher and Mr. Ron Jeffels, to discuss the Ministry's concerns over excess educational space that will be coming on stream on the lower mainland in September, and some pessible ways of reducing Ministry expenditures in the leasing of outside space. I will be reporting further on this matter in due course. As a by product of this meeting, I have invited Mr. Jeffels to visit Douglas College over the next couple of weeks in order to discuss the roles of the two institutions over the long term period. There has been a steady stream of re- quests for interviews and statements relating to our current set of decisions regarding our expenditure plan. Thus far, I believe that the press has fairly and fully reported on our sit- uation. C. Internal Matters - Education Development: The 5-Year Education Plan is in the final stages of preparation. I am informed that the full draft document will be tabled within the next two weeks. A full budget has been presented to the Ministry in regard to the fiscal implications of ome or two additional intakes of general nursing students. The Board will remember that I have committed the institution to an addi- tional 32 nursing students this Sept- ember, and that the implications of an additional’ 32 in January are still under review by the Management Committee. ILexpect to be able to report on our decisions in this regard by the next Board meeting. é i pane a I had the pleasure of attending social events hosted by the Quebec Student Exchange Program, and the I Care Pro-