Were not stupid, you know If Bennett and Co. want us to believe they’ re really committed to Education in this province, they’II have to do better than pull rabbits out of hats. As a prelude to the soon-to-be-called election, Bennett has announced a $110 million ’’gift’’ to B.C.’s crumbling educational system. The fact is, that money will barely even scratch the surface of the cuts which have been imposed by the government. And this is not even ‘’new’’ money, but money which the Federal Government gives the province for education, which Bennet.has been hijacking for other purposes. The new Minister of Post Secondary Education, Russ Fraser, seems to have similar problems. He says he is ‘’consulting’’ with students, but his consultation is very limited and tightly controlled. Speaking at Young Socred meetings, Engineering bashes, and business student dinners, while side-stepping elected student bodies like Student Senates and the CFS, is not proper consultation. The recent announcement on student aid is a fine example of PR. Fraser crowed that they were doubling student aid, and that is true, almost. The only problem is, after the hatchet job the government has done on aid, that ‘doubling’ only takes us up to a quarter of the funds i available in 1983. ( s (7 “What teacher? We have to cut costs somew thanks to THE DEARBORN TEACHER The provincial government seems to have trouble seperating reality from P.R. ete | ‘Our Tenth Year When the Declararion of Philidelp- So if we are too loud for you, please move to the other side of the cafeteria. John Drescher Wages of sin ~~ Most EXPO 86 international partici- ~~ pants have expressed their dismay at ~:~ the employment practices concerning : the wages workers at EXPO 86 will be earning. However, they did not want to make a combined statement since this act could destroy the reputation of Canada. give a face lift to the wages of these employees who in fact will be serving an international audience at the most during Expo 86. sincerely, Bethuel Mujetenga (D.C. Political Sci Major). Enumerating the shortfalls The right to vote for a government that best represents one’s values and interests is the cornerstone of a free and democratic society. Each day on the evening news we witness people ’ hia was adopted, it included among Other Publications Society We re all ears the obligations of the International Bini Chai ee Paul J. Gill babs Ordaniitiod* the raicing of ie ee ee hte: Pee There are too many people in this standards of living and the furthe- Jo tne Cynthia Kilt college that expect peace and quiet in ance of policies in regard to wages John McDonald the cafeteria. These people must be and earnings ... calculated to ensure a | Ad manager.....i.ccc:scsssesssssesssessessvevsesseessessessecssesseeee Mike Walker equipped with rabbit ears! just share of the fruits of progress to BUSINESS anager 3 flict depends iacet wees... ALIN ae Cathy Hunter | converse with many people in the all, and a minimum wage to all [File clerk......ccccscccsscsecsseosevee screenees Lori Donald cafeteria almost everyday. We are -employed and in need of such protect- SAINI: COT Rema, vans cto cte. «. x da pavtTshsstbadh. (ies ns vacant known to have the loudest table. Of ion’’. This Canada did but after the : course we are loud, but why not? We | minimum wage was reviewed, all the Other Press Staff look at the cafeteria as a place to provinces increased the rate except socialize; where we can meet and for B.C. Astonishingly, British Col- Classitteds cooreinatot o.ieis 0. asGlacta ses, ds od eh Pinky Hunjan have a good time. Some students look — umbia is still at $3.95. Ria ee ta: aes OS rod th eG a eau. Gord Henry at the cafeteria as a place to do In fact, the ILO has a right and duty ULC AL COOFENBAEON CB oc civ ets iso fo abr ee AEN SO Shaun M. Smith homework. All 1 can say to these to tackle the question of wages Entertainment coordinator.................cccccecceeeeueceeceuseeues Kirstin Shaw people is, ‘‘Go to the Library.’’ There internationally. According to the Prov- Features coordinator.................... deohersidees John McDonald are also instructors, who are very ince of March 6th, 1986 the ILO has | Galley proof.............-0-. see Sue Moore rude, who think the cafeteria is a ranked British Columbia with Third Graphics coorelimabets jcc. 5.2 locks. < sip ?d.cvsioa deuce cosa Doug Finnerty place to hold important meetings. World countries and local groups said Furnan nightsacoordinator... iis. 3 esto ole ne oe. vacant Instructors do have their own offices that this is an embarassment to Peano Me oe oP feds router, te Fe he See adaines Bathe ad Angela Dunbar for meetings. And the rest are Canada. PPM ARON ae 05a. cpa hgh es « ada evince et Kevin MacDonald ‘‘preps’’ whose noses are too high to Canada, as a signatory to the PP OCUCtICN COOPORIAUN «205555 Goss fa ta. fol sh Sd eitervin a ee Jeremy Bloom see anything anyway. International Labor Oranisation _ is ROGrHtMENt COOMMMNALO RLS. ide os alg fedoes se no stcee decks vc Cathy Crockett Our table will continue to be loud, very much so accountable to the SE MN CNN 8 Gabo is pA crore Duet ale dks eR Cynthia Kilt because we enjoy socializing and organisation and should therefore, put Typesetters........00000000. Karen Hooey, Kathy Nichols, Shauna Mulroney having a good time. pressure on this province to at least COMMONS eae. ns tee acre nh, oR ais, a etits Clifford Almas, Chris Brown, Dr. Disgusto, Richard Haines, Lisa Hawes, Colin McEwan, Christine McGuiness, Dean McPherson, Lee O'Donnell, Doug Redecopp, Colin Turkington Gord Day, B.W.F.