Just the facts It’s 68-pages long, challenging to compile, and offers data on just about everything you wanted to know about Douglas College but were afraid to ask. The first Douglas College Fact Book (1993-94) is now available to College employees from the Institutional Research (IR) Office. The book lets you access a wide range of information varying from enrolment in specific programs to the size of the Library’s videotape collection (3,046). You can even find a breakdown on the ages of your co-employees. As well, there are figures revealing the breadth of student needs served by Douglas College through areas such as Counselling and Academic Advising, the Women’s Centre, First Nations Student Services and the Assessment Centre. “It’s hard to see what is happening inside other departments at the College, especially as we get bigger. The guide has information on a wide variety of aspects of College life in one place for quick and easy reference,” says IR Director Bob Cowin. “It offers an overview of the College as a whole.” Many post-secondary institutions produce fact books annually. Cowin Briefs ze Grab a Grizzlies bargain The Douglas College Foundation continues to offer the lowest-priced seats available for Vancouver Grizzlies home games. The NBA’s newest team plays its inaugural home opener on November 5, hosting the Minnesota Timberwolves. Tickets are available in five- and 11-game packages; a portion of proceeds support Douglas College athletics. Visit the Foundation Office for more information. ze Order NFB videos early A notice from the Library that the National Film Board is closing its Vancouver office this summer, which will result in all rentals being sent from Carmen Mahood, Bob Cowin and Barb Brawn (left to right) of the Institutional Research Office have the Douglas College Fact Book for enquiring minds who want to know. hopes to produce an updated edition next year, but acknowledges it requires a lot of time and effort to glean information from every College department. Underscoring the point, data was still being submitted to the IR’s Barb Brawn Montreal. To accommodate this change, the Audio Visual Deparment now recommends providing a minimum of two-weeks notice for all NFB rental requests. ze Orientation set A reminder that Student Orientation is scheduled for August 23, from 6-10 pm, and August 24, from 2:30-6 pm. The orientation allows new students to learn about all College facilities and services available to them. za Recipes sought Appetizer recipes are still being sought for a fund-raising cookbook to support student aid. If you’d like to share your quick, easy and delicious secrets call Yvonne Mostert (5386) or Mark Crozet (5359). za Slip over to Sechelt Three-bedroom cabin on the Sechelt 4 and Carmen Mahood in June, more than one year after the fact-gathering began. To obtain a Fact Book, or to offer comments and suggestions about data for future editions, contact Bob Cowin at 5348 (Rm 2303) or Barb Brawn at 5349 (Rm 2307). I Inlet renting by the day or week. Near the beach. Call Jean at 5180 or 939-5777. za Gibson’s getaway One bedroom suite attached to private recreational home on beach near Gibson’s available weekly to the end of September. Call Bev at 299-0061 (leave a message). 27 Peachy in Penticton Two-bedroom fully furnished condo for rent in Penticton; five-minute walk to Skaha Lake and Peachtree Mall. Call Marian at 467-5823. za Harrison Hideaway Thirty-two foot luxury trailer, quiet wilderness setting, Tapadera Estates near Harrison Mills; 1.5 hours from Vancouver. Site includes boat ramp, indoor pool, propane, water and laundry facilities. Monthly rates available. Call 435-9877 or pager 641-5210. I