CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY GRADUATE PROGRAMME IN EDUCATIONAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION January 1986 Dear Colleague: Applications are now being accepted for admission to our M.A. programme jn Educational Studies. We would appreciate it if you would bring this programme to the attention of prospective students. I enclose a copy of a pamphlet which describes our programme which is suitable for posting. Concordia University's Master's in Educational Studies offers two areas of concentration: Philosophy and History of Education and Social and Behavioural Foundations of Education. Students may enter the thesis or non-thesis option as either full-time or part-time students, in May, September or January. A Doctorate is also possible either through an ad hoc arrangement or in the Humanities programme at Concordia. The research and scholarly activity of faculty in the programme provide an excellent opportunity for scholarly research work by students. Most important, there is an abundance of teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and fellowships for qualified students. Ongoing research interests of faculty include: politics and education; curriculum theory and instructional evaluation; inner city schooling, the working class, labor movements and education; immigrants and minority groups in education; social psychology of education; and aspects of adult education. In addition, the programme offers a variety of courses during the spring and summer taught by visiting colleagues from Canada and abroad. In this fashion, the programme is able to present students with a wider range of orientations from recognized scholars. If you or one of your colleagues is interested in teaching at Concordia sometime in the future, please drop us a note and updated C.\V.. If you or others wish to have further information about our graduate pro- gramme or research, or if you have any comments, I shall be pleased to hear from you. Yours sincerely, “ Ue Arpi’ Hamalian Director, M.A. in Educational Studies Programme j SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS CAMPUS 1455 DE MAISONNEUVE BLVD. WEST MONTREAL, QUEBEC H3G 1M8