MOTIVATION FOR ADULT LEARNERS October 29 — Teesday 4:00pm -9:30pm This short course ‘s specifically designed to assist parti- cipants in Ceveloping a working knowledge about motiva- tron techniques ard their impact on adult learners. : Parti- cipants will discuss motivation for learning and :exper- ience techniques which prepare adults for attitude change. Practical job related and classroom activities will be demonstrated; Some emphasis will be placed on rein- forcement techniques for behaviour modification. Trainers, instructors and managers involved in training activities for adults in business, industry and governmental agencies, would find this course useful. is FEE: $ 15 (including dinner and materials) ; Instructors: James E. Thornton & J. Dale Michaels.’ Location: Room 301, Vancouver Public Library 3 750 Burrard Street (corner of Robson Street) % IDENTIFYING TRAINING NEEDS November 5 & 12 Two Tuesdays 4:00pm -.9:30pm . During this two day short course participants will ac- quire the skills necessary for objective identification of training needs. Several methods of need identification will be discussed and assessed as to their application and appropriateness. Participants will be involved in using these methods in a ‘take-home’ activity between the two sessions. This ‘take-home’ activity can de applied to their individual organizational setting. De- sizned for trainers, instructors, supervisors and managers invotved in planning training prcgrams for their organiza- -tion or institution. With financial assistance from Kelioge Project in Continuing Education for Health Professionals. FEE: $ 28 (including dinners and materials) Instructors: J, Dale Michaels & James E. Thornton “ Lecation: Ream 391, Vencouver Fublic Library 780 Burrard Street icome: of Rabson Streeti —- MANAGEMENF INTERVIEWING AND COUNSELING SKILLS November 7-8 Thursday-Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm and December 6 Friday 8:000m - 4:00pm This workshop is specifically designed to develop comm- ‘unication skills as they apply to selection, performance evaluation, career and problem counseling of employees. -—-Particutar eniphasis is placed on helping participants to acquire skills involved in active listening, verbal and non- verbal communication and questioning techniques. The counseling and interviewing- process is~divided into three phases, each phase concentrating on specific skill development activities. Participants will develop an awareness of their current counselling and interviewing behaviour and acquire new skills involving active listen--—— ing, questioning techniques and non-verbal behaviour analysis. The full course is divided into two sessions separated by a four week period. This separation is de- signed to allow participants to apply, back on the job, those tools and techniques learned in the first workshop. The second session then involves building on these exper- iences and the acquisition of more sophisticated inter- viewing and counseling techniques. Registration limited to 18 persons on a first come basis. ; FEE: $ 150 (including lunches and materials) Instructors: Danial D. Pratt & J. Dale Michaels Location: Airport Inn, Richmond ATTITUDE STRUCTURE AND CHANGE November 15 Friday Yam ~- 4:30pm _ This short course will focus on recent research which suggests most maior social attitudes are inter-felated. The dynamics of attitude ecquisttion and change amongst adult leamers will be ansd, Participzits: wi e the opportunity to examine theoretical : ng attitude structure ance excercises designed to siccesses. Participants scatarient which will be used “is, Advence registraits * oreti~ nary Study. 5 FEE: $ 15 fine’uding lunch and materials) S-Serveter: Reger Boshier Leention: Cortcrence Roa, Cee*re for Ca-ticuing Ptcegtun, US. CG. coor ds. Mee. J ( = testis sweats ees = . Ia re Si fee ees “er oe CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIP December 6-7 Friday-Saturday Vem - 4:305 Getting the mast our of vour conferences and ~eeticrs: Whether job related or voluntary, whether ta fornal settings cr in social or recreational situations, the orcen: izer, the leader, and the participant alike need certain skills to get the most out of the experience. This work: shop is designed for those who organize or lead croup meetings - conferences, seminars, conventions, work- shops, committees, and discussion groups. Amonz the topics to be considered are: (1) planning the conference (2) how to succeed as a leader or chairman (3) how to analyze and improve the meetings you attend (4) securing meaningful participation (5) coping with hidden agendas and the needs of participants (6) physical arrangements and their effect upon meetings (7) what to do before, during, and after the meeting. With financial assistance from Kellogg Project in Continuing Education for Health Professionals. ; : FEE: $ 35 (including lunches and materials) Instructors: John H. Buskey & others Location: Conference Room, Centre for Continuing Educotion, U.B.C. campus a ea reqisteahen Lovin hort page... 7s