Lockout Gorner Darren Paterson, Sports Editor Lockout: Week 3. This is getting really tired, really fast. This little charade that the NHL and NHLPA are putting on isn’t funny anymore. Where’s my hockey? I want my hock- ey... Hockey? Just & couple of tidbits for you this time, but nothing really significant. The player count is up to 194 NHLers in Europe. This constitutes around 25 per- cent of the roughly 700 players from the NHL. But don’t panic, kids. Most players, with the notable exception of Peter Forsberg, have a CBA clause in their con- tracts over there that says they can return to the NHL if a deal can be reached. Which, of course, sucks balls for the com- missioners of the European leagues who live every moment in fear that the amaz- ing rush of talent they have received will be taken away any moment now. And all of the junior and minor hock- ey leagues have been booming. The AHL (the NHL’s minor leagues) have been lov- ing every minute of their increased exposure. And in the WHL, teams are doing great too. I’ve noticed, in particular, that the Province sports section is ripe with Vancouver Giants updates in place of Canucks news. And the Giants are averag- ing 6,750 fans per game in the 8,000-seat Pacific Coliseum, as they have sold 2,000 more season tickets than last year. This makes sense since tickets are only $16-$18 compared to the lofty Canuck prices in the range of $34-$136. But that’s it, Not much talking between the bitter enemies, and not much hockey for fans to get excited about. Really, there’s not much to see here, so move along please. DOUGLAS SCOREBOARD soccer: Saturday Oct. 2: Women: Douglas 2, Langara | Men: Douglas 1, Langara | Sunday Oct. 3: ‘Women: Douglas |, Langara | Men: Douglas 0, Langara | Oct. 2 Premier Division: Douglas 14, No referral required. DID Y N weds you can SEE THE CHIROPRACTOR ON CAMPUS FREE OF CHARGE? No userfees. NouH ancouver Melaromas 29 Oct. 3 - Second Division: Douglas 2), Vancouver Melaromas 10 Douglas 68, Camosun 41 ocuober 13/2000 Full Time Students & Athletes covered through Douglas College Extended Health Plan. Custom fitted ORTHOTICS also covered. CALL FOR DETAILS OR STOP BY ROOM #1303 10AM-2PM__THURSDAYS 604.430.1525 @ Canad? The i Gis Greenestild OUHEPPPESS | al