Lesbian Focus A Bunch of Lesbians (ABOL) 1170 Bute Street Van, BC V6E 1Z6 684-6869 Social group meets at the Gay and Lesbian Centre every Wed. 7:30 pm. Gazebo Connection 382-810 W. Broadway Ave. Vancouver, BC V5Z 4C9 438-5442 Purpose is to bring about a positive exchange about lesbian identities and lifestyles, and to provide an op- portunity for lesbians to make con- tact on a regular basis with others with similar interests. Gazebo wants to challenge stereotypical thinking. Lesbian Avengers 876 Commercial Dr. Vancouver BC VSL 3W6 268-9614 Direct-action group using grassroots activism to fight for lesbian survival and visibility. Purpose is to promote and identify lesbian issues and per- spectives. Vancouver Lesbian Connection (VLC) 876 Commercial Dr. Vancouver BC V5L 3W6 254-8458 Services such as a library, support groups, coming out groups, and per counselling. If you are interested in starting a lesbian group, please call. Gay Focus Gay Asians of Vancouver area (GAVA) 1170 Bute St. Vancouver, BC V6E 1Z6 683-3825 684-6869 * Peer support and education group for gay Asian men organizes potlucks, karoake nights, etc. GLC Gay Men’s Discussion Group 1170 Bute St. Vancouver BC V6E 1Z6 684-6869 Thursdays 7:30 pm. Hominum Married and Single Gay Men’s Support Group 1170 Bute St. * Vancouver, BC V6E 1Z6 684-6869 Meets 7:30 pm every Monday. Out and About 301-1710 Barclay St. Vancouver, BCV6G 1K3 683-2182 Hike, bike, and/or camp with this men’s outdoor activity group. Youth East-Side Youth Drop-In ' 1661 Napier St. Van. BC V5L 4X4 253-4391 For lesbian, gay and bisexual youth, and their friends, ages 15-25. Meet new friends, discuss an issue, join a game or activity, bring your own ideas. Get Real 1170 Bute St. Vancouver, BC V6E 1Z6 684-6869 Meets every Friday night 7:30 pm for youths under 25. Guest speak- ers, games nights, and special events Lesbian Youth Group 876 Commercial Dr. Vancouver, BC V5L 3W6 254-8458 Social group for lesbians 19 to 25 years old, meets every Sunday 7-9 pm. Youthquest 2980 Lazy ‘A’ St. Coquitlam, BC V3C 3N7 944-6293 Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth group. Computer bulletin board 944-3019. AIDS Related AIDS Vancouver 1107 Seymour St. Van BC V6B 5S8 681-2122 Provides education an AIDS/HIV, a food bank, the buddy program, cloth- ing donations, hospital visitation, hous- ing subsidies, etc. AIDS Vancouver Help Line English - 687-2437 Spanish - 687-3433 Chinese - 687-2727 BC Persons with AIDS Society (BCPWAS) 1107 Seymour St. Van BC 681-2122 Mutual support group for HIV+ members, offering services such as peer counselling, treatment information and a complimentary help fund. Black AIDS Network (BAN) 1107 Seymour St. 681-2122 3 Offers to members of the black community information on HIV/AIDS, as well as support services for people and families who are affected by HIV/ AIDS. Downtown-Eastside PWA Society 449 E. Hastings St. Van. BC V6A 1P5 341-8958 Weekly support group for HIV+ men and women, open to all. An advocate for HIV+, runs a food bank through Native Health Services. Pacific AIDS Resource Centre (PARC) 1107 Seymour St. Vancouver BC V6B 5S8 681-2122 Umbrella group for AIDS Vancouver, BCPWA Society, Positive Women’s Network. Positive Women’s Network 1107 Seymour St. Vancouver, BC V6B 5S8 681-2122 Provides support, advocacy and information for women living with HIV/AIDS, including peer counselling, resources, child care and transportation. Publications Angles Magazine 1170 Bute St. Vancouver BC V6E 1Z6 688-0265 The Other Press Xtra West 501-1033 Davie St. Vancouver BC V6E 1M5 684-9696 Church/ Religion Christ Alive Metropolitan Commu- nity Church 3214 West 10 Ave Van. BC V6K 2L2 739-7959 Worship begins Sunday 7:15 pm, Fellowship Hall in St. Community Square. James Dignity PO Box 3016 Van. BC V6B 3X5 432-1230 Mostly Roman Catholic members who do self-counselling and lobby for change within the church. Integrity PO Box 2797 Vancouver BC V6B 3X2 423-1230 Mostly Anglican members who do self counselling and lobby for change within the church. Affiliated with Dignity. Metropolitan Community Church of the Lower Mainland PO Box 245 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 7G1 462-9813 Meets 7:30 pm Sundays, 1111 6th Ave. at the Metropolitan Community Church. UNISON c/o The Unitarian Church, 949 W. 49th Ave. Vancouver, BC V5Z 2T1 261-7204 Meet at this address the first Sunday of each month 6:30 pm except July and August. Bisexual Bi-cycle 681-8815 Bisexual or bifriendly activity group that cycles, hikes or rollerblades. Bi-Face PO Box 20524-732 Davie ST. Van BC V6Z 2N8 681-8815 Support group for bisexual people meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Options 681-8815 Social group for bisexual people to have fun and meet new friends on the sec- ond Friday of each month. Call for de- tails. School Groups Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals of UBC (GLBUBC) c/o/ SUB, Box 9 University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5 822-4638 Meets 5:00pm Mondays Phone for location. Gay and Lesbian Association of SFU c/o Simon Fraser University Burnaby, BC VSA 1S6 291-3181 Meets 11:30-2:30 pm Tuesdays. Douglas College Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Collective 527-5335 voice box 4550 (Norm) Meets 5:00-6:00 pm Thursdays Other Resources ACT UP Vancouver Box 93518 Nelson Park 1170 Bute St. Van BC V6E 2Y1 683-6290 Coming Out Groups 1170 Bute St. Van. BC V6E 1Z6 684-6869 For both women and men, facilitated throughout the year. Referrals can be made through this number. Coming Out Support and Recovery (COSAR) 2866 Upland Crescent Clearbrook BC V2T 3E9 852-5724 Meets at the Abbotsford Community Services Building, 2420 Montrove St., every Thursday 7-830 pm. Gay and Lesbian Centre of Vancouver (GLC) 1170 Bute St. Vancouver BC V6E 1Z6 684-6869 Offers peer counselling, information and referrals, lesbian and gay library, HIV and STD testing, free legal clinic, free professional counselling, social groups, and support groups. Open 7-10 pm every evening. Gay and Lesbian Drop-in Carnegie Centre, 401 Main Street Vancouver, BC V6A 2T7 665-2220 Meets every first and third Thursday 3-5 pm in the Pottery Room. Gay and Lesbian Modem Users 669-2994 Data line is 681-3776. Gay Bowling Leagues of Vancouver Call 925-0005 for registration info for September. North West Gay Rodeo Association (NWGRA) 7255 Broadway Ave. Burnaby BC VSA IS1 420-4174 Women in Print Louise Hager 3566 W. 4th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. 732-4128 rESOURCE dIRECTORY Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) PO Box 30502 Brentwood PO 201-4567 Lougheed Highway Burnaby, BC V5C 2A0. 255-4429 i Support group for parents with gay/les- bian children. Provides education on homosexuality and is an advocate for equal rights. Queer Street Patrol 1-975-1469 An all-volunteer organization whose purpose is to intervene in violent crimes. Vancouver Gay Volleyball Associa- tion (VGVA) PO Box 106-1027 Davie St. Vancouver BC V6E 4R2 290-0133 Bump, set of spike, whether you’re recreational, novice, intermediate or competitive, you are welcome. Fall reg- istration begins in September. Vancouver Leather Alliance PO Box 2253 Vancouver BC V6B 3W2 683-1990 A pan-sexual, leather-oriented social group promoting participation, trust, compassion, pride and fun in the BC leather community. Open to both men and women. New members encouraged. Vancouver Lesbian and Gay Choir 442-1027 Davie St. Vancouver, BC V6E 4L2 290-0909 Organization for those who enjoy sing- ing together and are committed to high musical standards. New members for next semester in September are wel- comed. Bookstores Little Sister’s Book & Art Emporium 1221 Thurlow St. Vancouver BC V6E 1X4 669-1753 (Toll-free) 1-800-567-1662 Fax: 685-0252 Vancouver Women’s Bookstore Gloria Greenfield 315 Cambie St. Vancouver, BC V6B 2N4 684-0523 Feminists and lesbian fiction, non-fic- tion, biography, humor, periodicals & music. Out on screen PO Box 521-1027 Davie St. Vancouver, B.C. V6E 4L2 683-1159 Organizes the lesbian and gay video film festival.