douglas college LLL YZ Yi ME MMO MOM ILE Ze MMi Education Council highlights Post-secondary plan Event celebrates 25 years Stewart Graham signed copies of his book, Yeah College! ata launch in the Douglas Room in 1991. One of the founders of Douglas College, Mr. Graham passed away last month. Douglas College remembers founder and provincial education pioneer tewart Graham, a founder of Douglas College, passed away Friday, March 8, after a lengthy illness. As a pioneer of education in British Columbia, Graham was instrumental in the formation of Douglas College, and helped oversee its progression from an idea to reality. He chaired the research group that wrote the feasibility study leading to the creation of Douglas College. He was the provincial government’s appointee on the College Council from 1969 to 1973, and again from 1976 to 1983. Through his vision and tireless effort, he oversaw the growth of the College from its humble beginnings in 1970 to the status of a major urban continued on page 7 OWN For your benefit INside Zone 8 THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE NEWSLETTER @ APRIL 1996 Nee readers ask for few changes ore news about College decisions, more INside Zone, more summaries of important meetings—but keep doing what you’ re doing. That’s the feedback you gave us through the readership survey distributed in February’s INside. About 80 people responded to the survey, which is done every few years to make sure that INside keeps meeting the needs of its primary audience—staff, faculty and administrators at Douglas College. “We’re comfortable moving in the directions that people suggested,” says Director of Communications & Marketing Brad Barber. “We'll prioritize the suggestions and incorporate them into a newsletter that, according to survey results, is already doing a good job of meeting internal communications needs.” The survey showed that about 56% of you read it cover to cover, while 42% skim the contents. About 32% said INside information is extremely useful, while about 57% find it somewhat useful. Half of you would like to see opinion pieces, letters to the editor, employee profiles and current events coverage. You are mostly satisfied with the amount of space devoted to information on College events, teaching and learning activities, the President’s continued on page 4