MAD HATTER 10 EPPCO REPRESENTATIVE This is to advise that I have received a nomination for Jan Selman to serve as Divisional Represen- tative on the Educational Policy and Planning Committee. As this nomination was the only one received, Thave declared Jan elected by acclamation serving for a two year term from May 1, 1986 to April 30, 1988. i Jan joins Mia Gordon as our Divisional Representatives. I would like to publicly thank Jan for taking on this task for us. Gerry DellaMattia FOUNDATION MATCHES FUNDS At the April 24th meeting of the Douglas College Foundation, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the matching of funds raised for scholar- ships or awards to commemorate College retirees during 1986. The first such award is the Sylvia Perry Scholastic Award, which has raised $1200 through donations from college faculty. RECOGNITION FOR CONTRIBUTION TO NURSING EDUCATION On May 16, 1986, at the R.N.A.B.C. Annual General Meeting, Mary Fewster will receive the Award of Excellence from her nursing colleagues for her contribution to nursing education. The Award of Excellence is one of the highest awards being presented by the Registered Nurses' Association of British Columbia. Mary receives the Award of Excellence for her leadership in nursing education not only in British Columbia, but also in Canada and Internationally. CONGRATULATIONS MARY! FIRST AID AND CPR FOR BOATERS Accidents can happen when you are enjoying a day on the water in your boat. How you would respond to a medical emergency that occured in or around your boat? Most medical emergencies require immediate attention while you are waiting for help. Are you prepared to treat a victim who has drowned or is suffering from heat stroke or is ae an allergic reaction? Do you know what to do? Remember, you are alone! Learn first aid and CPR skills before you have to 9 treat a victim of a medical emergency. Co-sponsored by Douglas College and White Rock Community School, these two courses offer cer- tification for boaters in First Aid and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). First Aid for Boaters - $20 May 15, 1986 - 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. Semiahmoo Sr. Sec. School 1273 Fir Street, White Rock June 5, 1986 - 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. Semiahmoo Sr. Sec. School CPR for Boaters (Heart Saver) - $18 June 19, 1986 - 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. Semiahmoo Sr. Sec. School To Register for The Program Call - 531-1515. To receive a brochure or more information about these programs, please call - 520-5473. — oO