Mad Hatter Page 3 MISSION/OBJECTIVE STATEMENT AND PROJECT PLAN FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW STEERING COMMITTEE The Review Committee is cognizant that its mission is to detail the existing administrative structure and function, to analyze the data to determine its assets and needs, and to make recommendations to the College President in an effort to improve administrative effectiveness at Douglas College. With this in mind, the Committee will "operationalize" the followina assumptions: 1. A. The scope of the review will include all administrative units and administrative committees within the College administrative structure. B. The focus of the review will be the processes and relationships inherent within a broad definition of administrative/management functions, and will include an examination of: ) Unit Objectives ) Scope of Unit Operations ) Unit Organization ) Inter/Intra Unit Processes C. The Committee will provide an opportunity for all interested constituents within the College community to be heard in written form and/or at pre-determined Committee meetings. 2, Within this broad framework, Committee members are cognizant of several fundamental responsibilities inherent in their participation: A. Committee members are sensitive to any fears that College personnel may have that the review process may adversely affect careers. The Committee members, therefore, wish to assure College personnel that, in keeping with the assumption stated in 1.8., the review process is not designed as a means of assessina/ evaluating individual effectiveness or efficiency. B. Committee members will seek an objective appraisal, notina hoth strengths and weaknesses. Ge Committee members represent assistance to the College community and will not usurp basic managerial responsibilities. D. Committee members will refrain from discussing and making initial comments to anyone outside of the Committee. The Committee's work will be handled confidentially until the final disposition is released by the entire Steering Committee.