Direct ie The Purchasing Department. has medlvect line now; i it is 520-5441. Also note Nancy Den Daas’ ‘Tocal has anaes? from 4752 to 5441. a 1 Tany ; =e oy ae ym i a Te oe — "Kids Kare 1S ! Kids Kards are all occasion & Christmas c cards creatively desi t l ults by B.C. children. Ti ioe is sponsored by Information _ Children (S.F.U.) - a non-profit society to facilitate re eh evelopment. [| Prices: ; 5) cards & Ss anvel pes - $3. 95 ‘¥ 10 cards & 10 ser $6.95 Slicer Bits a. cards. oe ianne Morrow Occupational Health Program by mail o er re Coe . 2610) Bet fora brocl ire and jerdén form, yo eens than ¢ Een Ts 985. The Ministry Bet ctoi! aadeche Workers’ Com pensation Board are co- -sponsoring a resource. fair on the ‘theme ‘of " "Partners i in Human Service". This fair provides opportunities for en pcsicopere aii» visitors to ex tion on the services and programs < > the disadvantaged community. The primary focus is on services, programmes, and technical aids for people with special needs. Date: Thu BC sday, September 26, 1985 from 1000 - 1800 hours. Friday, September 27, 1985 from ; 1000 - TAO home a Place IT \d } a tel ; : 4 * 7551 "Weermingter Hw atm Brcryone is welcome to browse through the fair. c ee poet Ratt Gheanae he sear sa penne at Douglas” Coll Bees ces ber 1. Gus istafson whose sais epehseive decades, has been. called one ‘Canada's | major oe Beginnin with "The. Golden Chat ice" ip 1931, 3 dozen See oF stafson has i eaencey ee. ae "Rocky Mountain Poems" (1960), plus "Fir Stone" (1974), ee ‘won him of 3ovel ma General's Awa rd and or recently "Corners in Glass" (1979). ‘His thematic books navelieen akan ersed wit anthologies of his own work ae He edited several anthologies of the work of Canadian. 4 poets which has been called his most important ser vice to poetry ‘in this country. — - "He bega n writing poetry in the the 1920's and an the ensuing 60 years has gone e through several "changes in poetic : style. He has \ written o such. iverse aoe) ie invasion of Cz Czecho choslovalkia, the Kent State ki ings, ee aren, _ the Vietnam war, Gustafson will be appear aringeet the tide ina series ee four poetry readings, jointly sponsored ence sparement pie College ‘anada bl so include eli na recto Jiles, The Silekation poety costing ante pee in room 3406, Douglas College, 700 Royal. Avenue, Me w Westminster at 7:00 p.m. on October Ist. Admission is free and is open to the general ‘public. For more information call 520-5400. ~ Douglas College News Service —