by making its new child tax credit fully refundable for Canadian families and increasing the working income tax benefit, meaning more money in the pockets of the working class. In financial terms, the Liberal government also wants to distribute at least $8 billion to a national transit strategy that would allow for improved, expanded, and greener transit systems in cities nationwide. Additionally, $3 billion would be allocated to sports and recreational facilities to expand various arenas and fitness and leisure centres across the country. Perhaps one of the most compelling arguments for voting Liberal lies in the fact that many of us are out to stop the Tories in a big way. Paul Martin had a point when he stated in 2005 that “there is a fundamental clash of values” between Liberals and Conservatives. The question then becomes, where do your values lie this Election Day? As great poet and writer Johann Wolfgang Goethe once wrote, “choose well; your choice is brief and yet endless.” We deserve a government who will fight for us By Liam Britten i election, B.C. can make a choice. We can choose to settle for the vision of the Conservative Party, and accept that our concems aren’t that important; concems like the environment, world peace, strong health care, superior education, and fair play for women, immigrants and other minority groups. We can choose to admit that we can’t build the Canada we’ve all been dreaming for. We can choose to put ourselves second to the needs of corporations and the wealthy, punish the poor and the less fortunate. We can choose to fear change and progress, and choose to be reactionary and close-minded. We can also choose to create; we can create a prison system that would make the U.S. proud, choose to create a feeble economy, and choose to create a dying and polluted environment. Then again, we can choose to vote NDP instead. The NDP is the only party that is standing up to this Conservative vision of Canada I’ve outlined, and they haven’t just been standing up to those things this election, but for years. The NDP is the only party that’s stood up and said “no” to Stephen Harper’s heartless government and their dangerous right-wing policies. The NDP is the only party that’s been committed to what matters to middle-class British Columbians throughout this Parliament: better public transit, a healthy environment, public health care with no exceptions or asterisks included, initiatives to aid the unemployed in the forestry sector, and debt relief for students, especially doctors and nurses. The media keeps saying that this election is about trust; if that’s the case, then Jack Layton and the NDP can be trusted for all the right reasons. They can be trusted to stand up for what’s right, and what’s right for us. Jack Layton has always been forthcoming seasesatessey seasanenee eae amr about the NDP’s positions on the issues, unlike Stephen Harper, who is too embarrassed by those in his party to even let them speak to voters. Stephen Harper knows that British Columbians, and Canadians in general, are suspicious of his dangerous, right-wing policies and can’t put their trust in him. His two-plus years in office have not been what he’s promised us, and there’s no telling what sort of promises he’ll break next. This election, B.C. can make a choice. And the choice shouldn’t be tough. EGE LENE E LE LE OE EE RE RINSE SRE SEB SA IR eS Vote Conservative sy ceisrscrem In the upcoming October 14" federal Canadian election, there are a number of prospective leaders to choose from. The best of them is the current Prime Minister, Stephan Harper. One of the worst parts of the Canadian election is the seemingly endless slander and insults thrown out by all the candidates. I’m not going to do that here; I’m just going to talk about why Stephan Harper is the best man to lead Canada. One of the most appealing promises in Harper’s campaign is his pledge to get tough on crime, and to revise the Youth Justice Act. Harper has proposed to change the current policy of protecting the identities of violent youth offenders, which will be a welcome change after seeing all of the tragic cases of extreme youth crime lately. The Conservatives have said that they will designate 30 crimes as ineligible for house arrest sentences, some of which include robbery, kidnapping, home invasion and drug trafficking. Harper has also proposed several very feasible ways to deal with environmental issues without resorting to economy-damaging carbon taxes. He has promised to ensure that the gas companies don’t continue to gouge customers and collude to fix prices. That is great news for Canadians and British Columbia residents in particular, who are already paying a provincial carbon tax and are suffering through the highest gasoline prices in North American history. Harper is seeking to form a majority government, and has promised to lower taxes for Canadians. The Conservative government has steered the Canadian economy into the safest waters they’ve been in years. The Harper government has finished the plan to erase the Canadian deficit, and has promised to maintain a government based on fiscal responsibility. All of the Canadian parties mean well in their bid for government. Most of them, particularly NDP head Jack Layton, are good people who want only what is best for the country. However, none of them have the ability to lead the nation like Stephan Harper does. On October 14", cast your vote for Stephan Harper. He has proven that he can, and will continue, to lead this country effectively. 11