Continued from Pg 11 me want to gouge out my own eyeballs. Hey, it seemed a more productive and less annoying way to spend the afternoon. So, imag- ine my joy when Mr. Iain W. Reeve says to me, “We got four free passes to see The Pink Panther YAY! Let’s go!” Oh, wait. Did I say joy? I meant that vomity feel- ing you get in your stomach, like when you eat too much old meat and cheese. So, the night came around and Iain and I hopped on the Number 10 bus that runs down Hastings. On the way, I tried to calm myself and just try and get through the impending film. Like anyone in a sense of dread, I told stupid jokes. Did you know that the Liberty Market has a sign that says “Food Smokes Corn?” Yep. Interesting...anyway, we got off the bus and walked up to Tinseltown on the edge of Cracktown. We got into the the- atre and got our seats. Now, you know how some- times you dread something hap- pening, and when it happens it’s not as bad as you thought it would be? You're relieved. That’s great when that happens, eh? This was not one of those times. Steve Martin was annoying as Inspector Clouseau. Beyonce was annoying as Xania. Everyone was annoying as everyone. Except Clive Owen, who made a surprise appearance. Oh Clive Owen, you almost made it all better. I used to think that Clive Owen could save any film, I mean, that voice! But no, I was wrong. He cannot save any film as he did not, could not, save this one. The story was stupid and pre- dictable. The humour was slap- stick and childish. “Ooooh, you know what would be really funny? A man with a heavy French accent trying to pronounce words, but he can’t!” Uh no. There was one scene in which I laughed, and it was more at the absurdity of the situation than at the actual humour of the scene. This is pos- sibly the most annoying of all The Pink Panther films ever made, and as I already stated, they were annoying beforehand. I award this film no points, and may God have mercy on its soul. Perry Bible Fellowship Nicolas Gurewitch KID, YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE READY TO TAKE ON THE WORLD? KE FEEL READY FF + toe serett a tte ace geen geets CUA IED bes cuee Sghacshare “mains el sake dep rie ce qatirimpaiin irae anite Tinea tna vt chee Deeks igs set iceizss pag tees ate £2 jG, Levee ¢ tina reree Go woe acghs seers * SO MEL Desk co ccbene pitas Stes 4) 213TCe - a ” * - = : = a % 3 = BR Tota tose CU peters eee eeceed coekocrsd chee q2ecew fob ba Vere Woe mbcrestes seeca Ug repoad: & SD ber Venta AM ovens oebods trenget ened coeahe sees io sseedvan tea bey biked Caner aap rene 972 Vs tae vemn “srabas at eapere. Woerhég parcvssslniaise atre 93 ceca ehds teat Ieacts oad poet viele - s ” . i > ‘ & = * ° oo 13 tees apply, Clas ete RE Opie y Seb pa Wee CO BE D9 6 tern eee, Sorte *, tavas* 6 aheatays of sii yers she padi u ateks fT PANS TO PEAD THE FIME PROUT: “S00 10 AE5 Yee, STH AL Al tt bese Tag Tones a TIE nassdane Hevcott ols cag be wl HACE de NEST A rerio. Pes wD - Bows owN TOYOTA CENTRE Wd Heaccvext Street OS a2 G81 BRANVLLE TOYOTA WANDS Sy Acae: Saeat FAAS MII 2M PADD SUN POTOIA WORTH SHORE M3 Aah: Mei Greve st HG 4 SM PATTHOMTOVITA spare WIT) Fuze: Hgdowuy Hj BST. 2d LANGLEY lu TU eM LAMBLEY FOES erg ing Byte Vedi 538 3159 OPENRGAD TOYDTA Mist macnn See Se daks's Street TAOS fechoaeei Ade Med i 2D IG PEACE ARCH TOYOTA STMITH SURAT SlAS Ray Seu gn Megewey FPN EN StS AUN UTA RRMARY SU leagkesd iggeney MoH HR REGENCY TOYOTA WAMITENTS $31 Kaganey PEER SuNetise 1UPUIA GRADTSRORE iteger Vedwy Fe torad ee 8 VALLEY TOYOTA CULLAVAEX Re Ba ant Raed EROS WES CY TOYOTA eee Oe eee WES LUAS? 1UFUA PITT ME ARTS {GN seghend ligdesy 190i OE 9185 WEE TMIMETER TOYOTA ATW ATSTMASTTA 20 12d: Shoe Ii OMT