_— “MM HE tim *é. ca fe Be ae! FN | LAAN Use 8 Ave * 7 A SE ey a : < a seh is ee ee HOSS a SPECIAL REGISTRATION ISSUE SPRING 1983 < OTHER PRESS DOUGLAS COLLEGE STUDENT NEWSPAPER his is your Other Press Spring 1983 race ey eC ee Blea oe CAI Oe student newspaper. You shell out one to four bucks every semester to support us. Everyone on eee eC eB CAM Cie OC mam edit yg Press in their spare time. These people decide what happens in the paper as democratically as possible. We are an independant society with no Cea MOC ree CNA aN LiTe (AY Reese e eto eb Le recieving funding from the same source. You. You may be reading this in a line-up during registration. If you are then you will eventually go past a table with one, or two, or three Other Press AS OAR MOE COM Pires Coma cies newspaper. Listen to them. Please.