_ December 9th 1981 to 1982 The Other Press a This is the Other Press readership survey. We want to know your opinion of the paper. For example, what you like and don’t like, where you think improvements are needed, and changes or additions you would like to see. This is the last issue of the semester, and we want to know how we can improve the paper for the next semester. We hope you are all aquainted with the paperand might help us by answering the questions. Fell free to write more:than one answer and to use the space provided for any comments or suggestions you have to offer. Drop off the completed questionaires at the Student Society office or in the OP office, if it is openm.-If we’re not here, leave it in the pouch outside the door, under the ‘Shit From our Readers’ sign. Peace, love and please answer our questionaire. I am in the program. This is my year at Douglas College. I read Olevery issue of the paper Othe paper now and then Oidon’t read the paper Othe cartoons I read the folowing sections: (Other News (Other Entertainment [Other Sports (Other Letters [Other features (Other Editorial (Other Corner staff box | (Dall of the above The layout of the paper makes it easy to read Ohard to read UO confusing Olboring O) dynamic I think the design could be improved by: Do you think that the prefix ‘Other’ is ' Dgreat! Listupid Dlover-used Djunder-used (Lshould be axed altogether I think the news stories are OO well written O poorly written O well researched poorly researched OD interesting ‘CD monotonous I read (OCUP news Cilecal news (both CUP and local news CUP is OCisomething to put tea in (Canadian University Press C1Communist United Persons Most news stories tell me something new [tell me what I already know (gives me more information on something I already know about Lo help me make up my mind about issues O confuse me There is O)not enough campus news Litoo much campus news Citoo much national news Cjnot enough national news (Ja good mix of campus and national news I would like to see more news coverage of: The news section could be improved by: wr There should be Omore sports ‘(Uless sports Cibetter coverage of sports Ci better coverage of the following sports: The entertainment section should OJremain the way it is (Jhave more music reviews Chave more film reviews (LJhave more play reviews I think there should be (more room for entertainment Uless room for entertainment I'd like to see the following in the entertain- ment section: ‘True American Atrocities is O great! (well drawn 0 poorly drawn 0 a pack of lies The Other Editorials are []well reasoned and interesting Oshrill and stupid Ljsometimes good, sometimes garbage (generally okay Cjnot worth reading I think the Other Press is Clrepresentative of the students here Koff in its own little world L)too radical L]too conservative Lijust right In general, the paper is Ojinformative ( wishy-washy (J not worth the paper it’s printed on (Djinteresting and relevant I believe the Other Press is organized Olike a dictatorship Dicollectively and democratically Dlike a commercial newspaper Clwhat organization? The thing I like most about the paper is If the Other Press published it, I would read Ostories about sports injuries Cicoach and player interviews (game statistics Othe following: The thing I like least about the paper is I would suggest the following improvements: The Other Press has Citoo many features (too few features Oiinteresting and entertaining features (boring and irrelevant features DO stories I can’t read anywhere else () the same stories I read elsewhere Feature layout is Oconfusing and hard to read Ljinviting and interesting to read (Citoo creative. Cjnot creative enough I would like to see more features on: God Dis the supreme being is a primitive superstition Dis doG spelled backwards (damn the Other Press Other Photos are Dexcellent (okay OD out of focus OChelpful in distinguishing people and things (the only things I look at (J other: This is how I would be attracted to work on the paper: Generally I think the Other Press is Clim proving Ol getting worse (becoming more responsive (becoming less responsive L)staying about the same Autonomy of the student press is (a good thing (a bad thing My opinion of this survey is: I have a lot more to say: