Some bunny ) loves you... Hello, hello. Happy Easter, everybunny! Spring is now officially in the air. Yippee! According to Alfred Lord Tennyson, “In the Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love,” and what better target for a young man’s (or woman’s) love than the super-fine student newspaper, The Other Press? After all, we’ve been sweet on you for so long now; the least you could do is throw us a pity bone. You can even fake it if you want, we'll take what we can get. Not that you'll have to fake it this week, though. I mean, seriously, this is one hot issue. Where else are you gonna find articles on sports broadcasters, Spring fashions, and drag kings all in the same great-looking publication? And, on a serious note, Travis Paterson has contributed a thoughtful and touching personal story on the recent Maple Ridge vehicular tragedy. I urge you to read it Let’s see, what else? Sorry if I seem a lit- tle distracted this week, all of the chocolate in the office lately has been messing with my brain machine. Mmmm, chocolate. Don’t you just go crazy for all the cute Easter chocolates this time of year? Mr. Solid, Mr. Crispy, Mr. Fluffy...they’re all Mr. Right to me. But enough about choco- late, there’ll be plenty of time for that on Easter Sunday once Bunny boy has made his deliveries. So, fasten your Easter bonnets and happy hunting everyone! Oh, and remem- may not be dipped in chocolate, but that doesn’t mean your Other Press can’t be the sweetest treat in your basket this year. —Amanda Aikman, Managing Editor Submission Guidelines The weekly deadline for submissions is Wednesday for publication the following Wednesday. Letters to the Editor, vacant sections, and “time-sensitive” articles (weekend news, sports, and cultural reviews) will be accepted until Saturday noon and can be submitted to the editor at: News Opinions opinionsubmit@ All other submissions should be forwarded to the appropriate section editor. Please include your name, phone number/email address, and word count, and submit via email as an MS Word.doc attachment to the attention of the appropriate editor. A&E Features mbeedle@ Sports The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous student newspaper. The Other Press is run as a collective and is published weekly during the fall and win- ter semesters, and monthly (as a magazine) during the summer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected every semester at registration, and from local and national advertising rev- enue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a cooper- ative of student newspapers from across Canada.We adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics— except when it suits us not to. The Other Press reserves the right to choose what to publish, and will not publish material that is racist, sexist, or homophobic. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if neces- sary. All images are copyright to their respec- tive owners. March 23/2005