INTERLOCK Employee Assistance @ "| must be a born loser!" "Work, the kids, the house - it's just too much! “I can’t handle it anymore!" e "People always seem to take ad- vantage of me." e "I'm not going anywhere in my career - I’ve lost interest in my job and nothing seems worthwhile. Some mornings its not worth get- ting out of bed." e"My partner and I just can't talk to each other anymore - where's this relationship going, anyway?" These are typical thoughts ex- pressed by people dissatisfied with some aspect of their lives. Some days it’s hard to come to work without feeling preoc- cupied with such concerns. Depression, lethargy, low self-es- teem, anxiety, frustration - such feelings don’t have to be a "fact of life." At Interlock, skilled profes- sionals are available to assist you with your problems. In short- term counselling you will begin to learn more about yourself and how to take control of your self- defeating thoughts and feelings. You can improve your skills in stress management, assertiveness and communication and develop strategies to turn your problems around. Services are entirely con- fidential and available to you and your family members at no charge. To arrange an appoint- ment, call Linda Korbin at the In- terlock office - tel. 293-1871. All College Employees I have been asked to act ona four-person team that will be as- sessing some possible education- al aid projects in India and Sri Lanka. The task is being carried out through the Association of Canadian Community Colleges on behalf of the Canadian Interna- tional Development Agency (CIDA). This will necessitate a brief ab- sence from the College from Sep- tember 27 to October 15. During that period, John McKendry, Dean of Applied Programs, will be Acting President, and Jim Doerr, Director of Community Programs & Services, will be Ac- ting Bursar. Bill Day News from the Library Course Assignments and Reading Lists It would be of great help to both students and librarians to have copies of current course as- signments and reading lists avail- able at the Library Information Desk, so that we can verify the availability of resources in the Library. I would be most ap- preciative if you could send me copies of your course assign- ments and reading lists at your earliest convenience, so that we can be prepared to assist students in obtaining the materials they need. Thank you Susan Ashcroft Librarian eee eee Self-serve Video Collection We now have a self-serve video collection located in the Listening Lab on the main level of the Library. It isa combination of 3/4" and VHS video tapes ar- ranged in L.C. call number order. Everyone is welcome to browse, view the tapes on machines avail- able in the Listening Lab, or take them home. Videos can be signed out at any time during the day, but must be returned before 9:00 a.m. the next working day. It is, therefore, even more important that faculty prebook for class- room use and we will continue with the same system as in the past. We would like to see easier access and heavier use of our col- lection and are hoping that this new system will be satisfactory for all Library users. Library Orientations Many faculty will have received library orientation booking forms in the mail. If not, please contact Jacquie Ticknor, Orientation Assistant, at local 2108. Mad Hatter 4