can assist in recovery and development. Late Saturday afternoon, these various community meetings will be linked by tele- conference with David MacDonald. ee concluding program on the day's discussions in ‘the region will be broadcast Saturday evening. : A similar schedule for each region will be | worked out with regional working groups. The actual founat and agenda for meetings in ‘in each. of the oot communities will be set by the Individuals, associations, Sy organizations and communities will be essential to 1 ess of of "Forum Africa". This involvement will be a volunteer, locally organized pr proces een 2 communities will be a le for f. 5 appropriate t FeRources,, 0 nizing | and promo- ting meetings ,» as well ; - aE ermine ne taking action. ; A “Forum. Africa" kit se olaeed taraecia individuals ; 5 ps. will be availe n the L for the project who is Peter Benson Douglas Co ege, local 2309. Please Die _ you are incre lin helping, =, Expo - Pry Pisoom ment mepesbertanivee oe the Canadian Pacific Pavilion for EXP geo lbe at the college Friday October 8th canvassing for staff. There will be a one hour Presentation and question and answer period in Room 2203, at 1200 hours Following the pres: tation the representatives will be interview terested students individually. re If you are ‘interested, bring @ resume and sign- up ‘for an an interview after the eee 1 “uno c= 0 igre [Ie ee RI he PHUSCIWE