MAD HATTER PAGE 4 THANK YOU COLLEGE COMMUNITY (contd.) by sharing a conceptual understanding of the role of educators vis a vis curriculum. | foresee a role for myself in the orientation of new faculty and in- service with all faculty on a demand ba- sis. Upon returning to my department, | ex- pect to act as a resource to my collea- gues in developing and revising program curriculum and as well as working on the feasibility of a core Social Services program. The benefit to the learner is intrinsic to my motivation in returning to learn- ing as our learners are our raison d' etre. | do expect our level of inten- tionality in the instructional place to increase substantially so that we are more and more, cognizant of the impact of what we are doing and, therefore, can assess our effectiveness in satisfying the intentions of curriculum. The benefits to myself are both profess- ionally illuminating as I've addressed above and personally satisfying as | am committed to high quality instruction and the creation of self intentioned learners. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE MEETING - MINUTES - MAY 25, 1982 IN ATTENDANCE: Bill Day, Gerry Della- Mattia, Ed Redmond, Andy Wilson, Beth Bosshard, Julie Steele, Catherine Traer, Dorothy Jones, Bill Bell, Pascale Best 1. RESPONSE OF MANAGEMENT TO MEMO FROM PUBLICITY COMMITTEE DATED MAY 3, 1982 a) Opening Ceremonies Committee Bill Day, Gerry DellaMattia and Ed Redmond will stand as members of this committee. It was pointed out by b) a) Gerry DellaMattia (who has accepted the position of chairman) that Ed Redmond would be a valuable member, due to his involvement and experience in dealing with opening ceremonies events in the past. Both Gerry DellaMattia and Ed Redmond accepted the responsibility of re- cruiting/organizing election of men- bership in this committee. Gerry DellaMattia proposed an Open- ing Ceremonies date of November 19, 1982. His reasoning behind this was twofold: Douglas Day falls on this date; due to the anticipated cabinet meeting to be held in the vicinity on this day, the possibility of hav- ing prominent cabinet members attend the Opening Ceremonies is good. Management Policy The Publicity Committee was informed that Management was looking into the Committee's question/concern of Man- agement's policy regarding the 'use of facilities’. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED ADVERTISING PLAN Mall Displays The question was brought up of 'ter- ritory' as it relates to promoting/ advertising of the College. It was decided that when advertising south of the river, those programs/courses/ services that are unique to Douglas College would be advertised. In the event that Douglas College is invited to set up a display in another col- lege's region, the particular college should be informed of the event, for curtesy reasons. on Chita