ree DOUGLAS COLLEGE | ARCHIVES | EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES We would like: you to know that two exciting educational opportunities will be available in Vancouver between November 17 and December 20, 1980. Both involve the principles of accelerated whole-brain learning referred to in the book Superlearning, and both instructors have worked with Dr. Georgi Lozanov who researched and developed the original techniques described in the book. The super-accelerated French course consists of 76 hours of class work, 4 nights per week for 5 weeks. It is stress-free and there is no homework -- you leave more refreshed than when you arrived. You will be fluent in French language and customs and maintain your facility even when the language is not used. We have more detailed information (available from P. Warren, Surrey) on the course and instructor. This class is limited to 14 participants and two apprentices (candidates for apprenticeship must be French teachers and will be interviewed prior to acceptance). We suggest early enrollment. Dates: November 17 - December 20, Mon. - Thurs. 6:30 - 10:00 Place: BeBe Fee: $750 ($100 with registration, balance Nov. 1) The Optimalearning! “seminar focuses on the theory and techniques of accelerated learning and the personal and professional applications. We have also enclosed additional information on the seminar (available from P. Warren, Surrey). Three seminars will be held: DATES : November 21-23; November 28-30; December 5-7 - Fri., 7-11; Sat., 9-9; Sun., 9-5 PLACE: Vancouver, Robson Square Media Center, Room l FEE: $200 (pre-registration advised) These courses are made available through Barzak Educational Institute International, 760 Market St., Ste. 315, San Francisco, CA 94102 and Toronto, Canada. Make cheques payable to: Joanne Broatch, 5996 Crown Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6N 2B8. Information: 263-6703, 261-4119 (leave message). (In case of mail disruption, call to reserve place and make arrange- ments to deliver cheques.) FOR SALE Raleigh fold-up bicycle, $115.00. Send note to New Westminster or call local 241, Valerie MacBean.