™> € NEWS FROM THE OUTSIDE The College faculty can take pride in many things that are said about Douglas College. One recent instance is that the members of the faculty in one area were held in such high regard the the external group involved was contemplating forming a sub-committee to investigate the hiring procedures at the College. Our congratulations! George Wootton February 19, 1975 DOUGLAS COLLEGE PIER OE TICE MENO TO: Zloise Lincicum bate: 19th Feb. 1975. FROM: Jean ii, Suzan RE- “iad Hatter Rill Tev and Tonoven asked that the followine be inserted: "Dourlas Collere hac had completed 2 research project on the yooulation statistics of residents in their cerrice eres over the 27e of 69 yesrs. This includes oreakdowns into male and female, socio-economic characteristics (housing, education, income, ethnic arouns, ete.) and nodal concentrstions accord n to census tract. Copies of the revort are with 2111 Tay, Fen “oore, Donoven Jones and Jean Byzan” Also, I should be glad if you would insert the following for mes RELP?! IDEAS WANTED, Jean 3uzan (Surrey) would welcome ideas for her 15 minyte T.V. spot on the Bob Switzer Show "Retired but Inspired". Subjects already given were published here in December. Three more shows 2re now scheduled (fuesdavs - 1 oa.) for the llth, 1eth and 25th March and will be on Needlework without Syestrain, Fashicns ‘or the Mature Woman and What shall we do now, Grandma? (how to amuse children making things with stuff lyinz around the nouse. If Jean can come up with some more vrovrams, a. Switzer will give her a continuation into April. What is needed is: 1) One suest who knows his/ner subject and can put it over on TV. 2) The subject can by anvthing but aust he of interest to older viewers. 3) It must contain something visual - not just someone talking. 4) It mst de complete in about 12 mimites.