oordinator o el evelopmen Position Descristion This is a senior academic administrative position under the supervision of the Director of the Institute. The Coordinator of Field Development will provide leadership to ensure that the objectives of O.I1.S.E. are reflected in all field _ development work undertaken by the Institute. In consultation with the Coordinator of Research and Development Studies, Department Chairmen, and field centre staff, the Coordinator will be expected to identify and anticipate trends and needs in education and to contribute to the development of programs that will assist local educators in responding to such trends and needs. Specifically, this will involve: - stimulating, facilitating, and coordinating the field development activities of staff in the eight regional field centres and ten © academic departments of the Institute; = supervising the work of faculty and support staff in the field centres _ and in the central office of the Coordinator with respect to programs, personnel, financial and other administrative matters; the Coordinator's central office staff consists of 8 individuals; - participating with other Institute personnel in the development of programs which help to integrate the field developnient, research and development, and graduate studies activities of O48 .E.3 - initiating and maintaining productive liaison isaisteaen the Institute and practicing educators at the provincial level, including associations of teachers and administrators, trustees, and the Ontario Ministry of. Education; - representing the Director and the Board of Governors where required in external and internal matter conceming the Institute’ s field development programs; - performing other functions normally associated with central adminis- tration in institutions of higher education, Qualifications i While there are no specified requirements for the position in terms of educational background or prior experience, the major qualifications sought include: ‘= knowledge of and facility with current holeates and trends in educational theory, research and development; | | _- familiarity with the practical concerns of school systems ii: Canada; | . - demonstrated competence in working with sea atickie daucdicts to effect significant improvement. 7 7 i | % Bt : = } RE