Op-Ed Section Editor: Erin Cuthane January 15, 2003 Broad’s Eye View J.ALL OP Columnist opinionsubmit@hotmail.com Welcome back. I trust you are all well-rested and rear- ing to blaze academic trails in this second semester of Our Lord, 2003. I don’t know about you, but I like to kind of ease my way into a new year—you know, make sure it’s a good fit. Don’t want to be rushing into anything willy-nilly. January is a good month for self- reflection and to take the time to deal with any unre- solved issues from the previous year. As a columnist for the illustrious Other Press, I receive scads of read- er mail. Of course, I can’t be expected to respond to everyone—I am only one woman—but in the spirit of the fledgling new year, I would like to kick things off with a letter I received in December 2002: Re: November 27th Broads Eye View Your comment bottom 2nd column “Im like a rummie with a $10 bill in the mouthwash aisle.” Why wouldn't you portray this as a fat pig in the ice cream aisle or a bulimic in the diuretic aisle. Maybe a “dog” in the make-up aisle or even a street person on any given day. For a student who should profess to be socially sensitive to the communities fallibilities, you show a remarkable lack of tack and total lack of education regarding sub- stance abuse. I dont think anybody would have accused Ralph Klein (you may not like him, but the people of Alberta must if he keeps getting re-elected) of hanging out in the mouth- wash aisle. Nor Winston Churchill or Brian Mulroney for that matter (they were also an alcoholics). Maybe you should spend a day in their shoes before you make crass and insensitive commentary I good rule of thumb is to think when you write, not just write to please, but write to inform and hopefully say something insightful. This column is aimed to please the lowest common The Third Degree Devon Lewis OP Photographer — Do you think that Gordon | Campbell should resign? "Yes he should. The The cuts have affected vic- America. We aren't tim services such as halfway houses and PLEA organizations. Caen the other press denominator and a retraction should be issued along “at and apology. Kent Well, Kent, thanks for the feedback and the creative suggestions, even though some of them are a little unrealistic. I mean really, it’s a little far-fetched td expect me to spend a day in the shoes of everyone intend to make crass and insensitive comments about I'm all for field research, but I do have my studies t attend to. I also cannot profess to be socially sensitive but I promise to work on my “lack of tack.” An while I agree, a fat pig in the ice cream aisle woul have been funnier; I think that’s a little offensive. I however completely onside with your Ralph Klei comment. Journalistic integrity demands specificity it is unforgivable to slur the good name of the rum- mies to protect the identity of a Canadian politi icon such as Mr. Klein. The devil is in the details, i you will. And so, you have my retraction and my sincer apology. November 27th’s Broad’s Eye View should n longer read, “I’m like a rummie with a $10 bill in th mouthwash aisle.” The revised column should instea read, “I’m like Ralph Klein with a $10 bill in th mouthwash aisle.” If you read this Kent, I also want to thank you fo the poignant rule of thumb you included in you email. Please allow me to share one of my own: i addition to thinking when you are writing it is a goo idea to use spell-check. For the rest of you, | feel I should point out tha Kent did refer to you as the “lowest common denom- inator.” I leave the ball in your court. Send your warm fuzzies or cold pricklies to: broadeyeview@hotmail.com Yes, he’s turning us into corporate Yankees or Albertans. Kins © page 6