* Proximity of campsites to one another Bathroom situation While this space is not a designated camp spot, people still know This camping space is literally wedged between Chilliwack River about it. Regardless, it is a world lot emptier and serene than BC and Nesakwatch Creek Forest Service Road, so do not expect a Parks spots, but there is a chance that you will still have camping washroom or Jiffy John. Once while travelling in 2015, | met a gal neighbours. who told me that she pooped in bodies of water every chance she got—and if you think similarly to her, the river is there for you! For those who do not agree with using a river as a toilet, there is plenty of dirt to dig a hole (don’t forget your shovel). Upon exploring the grounds enveloping the service road, | did find an outhouse cabin that another camp user had constructed. Water bodies As mentioned previously, this spot is right on the Chilliwack River. Not only does the river provide A/C for the camping spot via its river breeze, but it also supplies a make-shift fridge to keep your beer cold. a= While this log outhouse cabin was a pleasant surprise, not too far from it, | found another make-shift washroom... And, while some portions of the river are deep enough to swim in, quite a few rock bars appear throughout, providing areas to do some gentle hiking. Peewee eee es Remember that this camping spot is not maintained by anyone other than its users. If you create a washroom like the above photo, try not to be an asshole, and clean up after yourself. Happy camping!