DOUGLAS COLLEGE tip boned Vek 5 TO All Faculty OaTE January 6th, 1976. FROM Sheilah Thompson, Director, Health Services Division oe ) ng COLLEGE LIBRARY RE My Trip to China in May, 1975 pouGLAs hae | would be interested in giving talks to students on my trip to China in May, 1975, if this is relevant in any course. Areas | could talk about: political and social organization, general description, education, health, women, and child care. MAD HATTER FOR SALE Highland beef cattle; bred cows $250, steers $200, bull $260. Institute of Environmental Studies Surrey Campus Room 201 Tel: 588-4411 Loc. 238 SURREY CENTENNIAL ARTS CENTRE + KING GEORGE HIGHWAY AND 88TH AVENUE January 7th. to January 18th. 1876 HOMENAJE AL ESPIRITU IiDIGERA a one man show JAMES WARREI FELTER James Felter is Director of the Simon Fraser Gallery. Simon. Fraser University. Mr. Felter has been instrumental in organ- izing numerous major exhibitions on the West Coast, most recently the International Women's Year Collection, which was on exnibition at this Gallery during December. This Collecticn consists of work from the last five years which is concerned with the indigenous themes of South American Cult- ures. It includes Paintings, Serigraphs, Drawings and some examples of pre-Columbian and indigenous Art forms.