MAD HATTER DOUGLAS COLLECE LIBRARY ARCHIVES NOTICE Plumbing Fixtures for Sale - In the course of demolishing houses for limber we have collected a number of plumbing fixtures, including wash basins, toilets, taps, hot water tanks etc. Anyone wishing to purchase these items may view them at the Serpentine Fen, on 44th Avenue, east of King George Vl Highway, Surrey. Phone Warden, John Smith - 594-3939 or 594-9901, for further information Also available: Ring-necked Pheasants - cocks - $4.00 hens - $3.50 were ANNOUNCEMENT **** EVERYBODY WELCOME - STAFF, FACULTY, STUDENTS, ETC. - TO ATTEND NOON-HOUR DISCUSSIONS ON WOMEN'S TOPICS EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 12:00 TO 1:00 P.M. ON ALL THREE CAMPUSES! ! HHKAET | MSHIHHHRAD SESS TONS*#*#*H****GUEST LECTURERS RH FOR INFORMATION CALL: BONNIE MC GHIE - NEW WESTMINSTER BETH MORRIS - RICHMOND LILLIAN ZIMMERMAN - SURREY -