issue 5 // volume 44 BR EAKING: Protes testing ‘a now; illegal > Protests over protest ruling already in session Davie Wong Sports Editor t’s been a crazy day for the Canadian Court of Law. In a surprise ruling, the Supreme Court has declared that the protesting of a protest is now deemed illegal, stating that “It is of this court’s understanding that the protesting of a protest is unreasonable and suppresses the right of people that are protesting. In accordance to the right to Freedom of Speech, protesters are allowed to protest peacefully. Therefore, the suppression of these people who would protest the protesters is hereby illegal. Anyone caught protesting a protest will be subjected to a protest from a panel of their peers.” This ruling has had a mixed reaction from citizens. Protester Grag Walpapor was one of the many who rejoiced upon hearing the ruling, stating: “Finally, I can protest without worrying about someone protesting my protest. Before, it was basically drama class!” When asked to clarify what he meant, Walpapor protested our reporter’s line of questioning. While many like Grag are overjoyed with the court rulings, not all are pleased. Arnold Rump, an American- Canadian, stated the whole thing was “stupid. That’s right, it’s stupid. It’s not right! People protesting should be subjected to the opinions of their peers. I mean, protesting is stupid all together. sa a Those protesters should get a job! We need to stop paying attention to those protesters! Canada needs to change its policy on protesting! It should be illegal to protest! That's the only way to stop them! Hashtag boycott protesting. Hashtag make Canada great again!” It’s worth noting that the Other Press ran the full transcription of Mr. Rump’s interview, despite his protests against it. Those who share Mr. Rump’s anger on the issue have already begun protesting the ruling by forming a large, unruly crowd in front of the Supreme Court and chanting profanities such as: “Screw the protests” “Hashtag boycott protesting!” and “Supreme Court is flawed! End the fraud!” Word is reaching us at the Other Press that an underground protesting group has begun arranging a protest against the protest about protesting protests. While this may seem like a strict violation of the Supreme Court’s ruling, an anonymous source within the group has assured us that the protest of a protest protesting protests is not the same as a protest protesting a protest. To ensure their safety, the group has organized protesters to protest the protesting of the protesters protesting protests. The Other Press reached out to the Supreme Court of Canada, and the Canadian Government for a statement, but has been told that no statement will be issued in protest of the situation. humour // no. 23 Too sweet to handle > Holistic nutritionist consumes refined sugar, alternative medicine license now under review Jillian McMullen Staff Writer tribunal met early this morning to deliberate the future of Vancouver holistic nutritionist Bianca Greene. Greene, who has been working in the health consciousness industry for the last four years, allegedly consumed refined sugar in the form of granola on September 17 while out to brunch at a café in Kitsilano. She is also alleged to have shared said cereal with Kenneth Bends, a local yoga instructor. The tribunal is now deciding whether or not to revoke Greene’s alternative medicine license. Jeremy Laituse, juror and president of the Vancouver School for Natural Health Care, explained to the Other Press in a phone interview that while there currently exists no governmental standards for holistic nutritionists, consultants must respect the code of ethics learned at his school. “We're concerned about Ms. Greene’s commitment to natural nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices,” said Laituse. “We provide some of the best training possible to our students. When you receive an alternative medicine license from VSNHC, it’s supposed to really mean something. Ms. Greene only received her license in 2013, so we find it difficult to believe that she has already forgotten how to differentiate between whole and processed foods.” Greene has maintained her innocence throughout her review. In Greene’s account of the event, upon entering the establishment she inquired what the café used to sweeten their pastries. The waitress serving her explained they were sweetened with only the finest fair-trade, sustainably-sourced, raw coconut sugar. Greene then assumed all items would be made similarly; however, the café instead uses high-fructose corn syrup to make their granola. “You know what they say about assuming,” stated Laituse. Kenneth Bends, the victim of Greene’s oversight, explained to the Other Press outside the tribunal how concerned he now is about the syrup’s presence in his body, stating “That stuff is just as addictive as any drug. I struggled with my health a lot in my youth. I cut out refined sugars 10 years ago and I’ve been on the straight and narrow ever since, but I can feel the syrup really affecting my daily practice.” Bends added that he had felt safe around Greene because of her professional training, so he didn’t think to question her dietary choices. “This has really affected our friendship. When I see her walk into the studio for one of my classes, a shiver goes up my spine. Like, how do you betray a friend like that? My body is a temple and she treated it like dumpster.” The tribunal will announce its decision next week.