F , November 30th, 1984 THE OTHER PRESS v page 7 otters to GG... |... a Dear Other Press A recent article in the Province states the Human Resources staff of - the Main Street office were advised not to show up for work because of the risk of contracting tuberculosis. David Vipond, BCGEU representative, said ministry officials refused to install opening windows in the building. At this point (October 19), 16 workers had been tested positively for . T.B. The workers blame a lack of fresh air and a podr Ventilation system for the spreading of the disease from infected clients. Since this report the T.B. has spread to the government buildings. This article brings up an extremely important consideration for people who spend much time in buildings with closed ventilation systems, such as Douglas College. The main concern is with the bacteria build-up in the air vents, this problem should be taken care of right away seeing as this is a relatively new building. The vents should be cleaned and inspected regularly, this could be done when the college is closed for holidays. This semester many people, who don’t usually get sick, were quite ill. Considering that this tends to be a high stress environment and students have a habit of letting their energies wane as the semester goes on. Many employees have also been quite ill. This is a serious problem that should be dealt with and not just passed over like many other problems in our society. Some people care about the quality of the air they breathe. On weekends the system is closed down completely, woe to the person who has work to do on the weekend. A fresh air vent could easily help remedy this problem, plus regular inspection and cleaning of the system. We must remember we are in control of our environment, and it can be improved easily. B.1.D.M. a Dragon tale \ The Bard Speaks: Truth will burn illusions and stronger make a friend, The lie is forgiven but the whispers never end. by Robin Thomas My FRIEND, 1S THERE SECURITY FOR YOU? 1S BANKRUPT THE WoRLD is? HAVE YOU NONCED How enh) Yes!! FOR ONLY THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS , YOU Too CAN BE SAVED !! JUST JOIN Au em oP xe 3 fe, ais et << Bien, 18 | THREE : HEY. NO one al LEAST THE e hy SAID \ HAVE. TO BUUDDISTS : se EN re AS HUNDRED NA EAR RAGS PARE FRE! FELER Laas s DOLLARS: eRe z 7 “BO — « ; Peet ener © ree rene: Dear Other Press In the Nov. 9th issue of The Other Press, there was an article written by Michael Ruse entitled ‘Battle of the Universe: God versus Darwin.’”’ The author implied very clearly that the theory of evolution is the most logical and reasonable explanation for the existence of present life forms. He concludes by saying “’...we must insist that science and only science is taught in science classrooms. Three hundred and fifty years after Galileo, the time has surely come to free learning from the shackles of dogmatic Biblical literalism.”’ | am in wholehearted agreement with Mr. Ruse’s statement that ‘science and only science (should be) taught in science classrooms.’’ Science is not a demonstration of maybe, possible, perhaps, it could have been etc., but it is a fact and there is no doubt about it. In the Oxford diction- ary science is defined as ‘‘A branch of study which is concerned either with a connected body of demonstrated truths or with observed facts...” These scientific facts have been interpreted by our learned scholars in such a way so as to support the theory of evolution. However, the established and_ universally recognized laws of energy and deterioration contradicts the fundamental principle of evolution, that is, the principle of the develop- ment of organic and inorganic material with ‘‘increasing organization and complexity.’’ These laws of science are known as the Laws of Theromo- dynamics. ‘Evolution is not so much a science as it is a philosophy or an attitude of mind.’’ It requires as much faith if not more than the belief in creation. The one stems from the innermost recesses of man, the other is God given. “Through faith (which is the gift of God) we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.’”’ Hebrews 11:3. The key issue is not evolution versus creation, but rather man versus God. If man is supreme then his theory is the most plausible account of the origin of species. Then life is just a biological process and man is only living for the sake of living and no more. However if God is supreme then He and not man is the sum of all things. If God did create the world, then there must be a purpose for the existence of all things. What is that purpose? That God may be glorified, honoured and revered by everyone. Are we not overawed by the beauty and comp- plexity of nature? Yet mankind will not acknowledge God as King and Creator. May He open our eyes to see and give us spiritual understanding that we may recognize Him as the sum of all things. Sincerely, Bill der Boer