Here’s my favourite spam email from last week, followed by my reply. othereditor@otherpress. Ta: | Subject: WALT DISNEY JR. GREETING 4% a @ | carsinah Font Style > Font Size EE ee|- Bl * Ale Hello Disney fans, And thank you for signing up for Bill Gates’ Beta Email Tracking. My name is Walt Disney Jr. Here at Disney we are working with Microsoft which has just compiled an e-mail tracing program that tracks everyone to whom this message is forwarded to. It does this through an unique IP (Internet Protocol) address log book database. We are experimenting with this and need your help. Forward this to everyone you know and if it reaches 13,000 people, 1,300 of the people on the list will receive $5,000, and the rest will recieve a free trip for two to Disney for one week during the summer of 2006 at our expense. Enjoy. Note: Duplicate entries will not be counted. You will be notified by email with further instructions once this email has reached 13,000 people. Your friends, Walt Disney Jr., Disney, Bill Gates, & The Microsoft Development Team. To: ry Walt, Bill, and the Ms Development Team. Subjects) RE: WALT DISNEY JR. Sah ILE eal ae mere tc: a a I alee sl = #e|/- Blo Alo , Hello Walt Jr., WOW! What an offer! | just can’t believe that Bill Gates and Walt Disney, Jr. want to conduct business with me, and by email no less. It’s just so excit- ing. Ever since | first became aware that | was the living reincarnation of Abe Lincoln, Louis Riel, and Gandhi (Mahatma, not Indira), it’s been so hard to find people that will take me seriously. | just know I’m going to be one of the 1,300 chosen people to get the five-large, but if not, the trip to Disneyland would be sweet too. And speaking of tripping and Disneyland, | did acid there once, and it was way too much. The crowds totally freaked me out and my friend ended up crying in her cotton candy for five straight hours. Her mascara ran and she looked like The Crow, which freaked me out. | ended up climbing inside one of the “Small World” castles and hiding until it got dark. Then, | walked around and collected straws off the ground. To this day, | still can’t see an image of Goofy without it triggering my fight-or-flight response. Anyhoo, you guys should have a specific day set aside every year strictly for people to go to Disneyland and trip balls. That would be sweet. Your business partner and fellow Beta tester, Colin Miley, Managing Editor, the Other Press ,