Other Classifieds Are you interested in a career in ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY? When you've finished your studies, you may wish to enhance your skills. Find out what BCIT can do for you. Come to the next School of Engineering Technology information session on: Monday, March | at 6:30 pm in the Boardroom BCIT Administration Building, 3700 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby, B.C. (Canada Way & Willingdon ) Programs related to manufacturing will be presented: Robotics & Automation .. CADCAM Plastics Wood Products Manufacturing Mechanical Technology Mining Food Technology Petroleum Faculty and staff will tell you everything you need to know to get into BCIT’s Engineering Technology programs. To preregister for information session, call 432-8862. BRITISH COLUMBIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY the Other Press af Sih Kt iG oie} " yal TALENT me! | & PRODUCT 2 ERTS WrvVE CUL THE | ra | Oe Ol ee STARS, NOW Writ cul yours! All Douglas College Student pun cut and style $19.95 10% oft all hair products (with student card) Notare Hair Products just in from Los Angeles aC ay 9:00am to aie ON BORE Hey! Qur hours can change to meet yours! GRR ORG MUR: \ We are located on 8th across the street from Douglas College Science Fiction Social Club. If you are interested in starting a science fiction social club call Darryl at 525-0572 February 17, 1993 douglas college’ ‘s autonomous student newspaper - since 1976 CLASSIFIEDS FORM Student Name: VERIFICATION INFORMATION Student #: Telephone: . Burnaby Volunteer Centre writing retreat for women, needs to fill the following WEST WORD IX August 8 - 22, positions: 1993 at Canadian International College, North Vancouver, KC’s Words on Paper offers professional word-processing and laser printing of your essays etc. Editing, pick-up/delivery also available. Call Kerry at 583- 4336 or fax 583-3423. Reasonable rates. Vancouver Rape Relief and Woman’s Shelter has a training group for volunteers currently meeting, and is accepting volunteers constantly. Any woman who are interested in volunteering on the Rape Relief Crisis Line, in the transition house, in fundraising events, and s any other aspect of the woman’s organizing centre are invited to call and make an appointment for a training interview. Please call 872-82212 for further The P.R. A volunteer agency is seeking a creative individual to write job descriptions in a weekly press release. Great work experience! Training provided. Children: A children’s centre is seeking volunteers to work one on one with children who have behavioral problems. Training provided. 1 weekday 3-6 p.m. Bail Orders: Volunteers are needed to assist in monitoring and providing support for young offenders to ensure they are following bail court orders. Flexible hrs. B.C. Creative documentary, fiction and , poetry will be offered. For more information please write West Coast Women and Words #210 - 640 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1G4 Application deadline is May 10, 1993 Summer School/ Writing Retreat for Women The West Coast Woman and Words Society will be holding it’s 9th annual summer school/ MAKING ANTIQUE DOLLS March 4, 7:30 p.m. Certified doll maker, Laura Armbruster will display and discuss making reproductions of antique French and German dolls on Thursday, March 4, 7:30 p.m. at the Surrey Art Gallery. this event is free of charge. For more information please call 596-7461 CMAs won’t survive the 90s. They’ll MANAGE the 90s. CMA The“M” stands for Management The graduates who become the managers of the ‘90s and beyond will have the flexibility to manage any change. Even a change of industry or two. That's why the CMA program places so much stress on broad management skills. In fact, it's the only professional program devoted exclusively to hands-on training in management accounting. The CMA designation starts with a thorough ground- ing in finance - then goes on to provide an overview of all aspects of business, and how each contributes to the bottom line. That overview is constantly updated, too, because the CMA designation carries with it a mandatory requirement for continuing professional development. As a CMA, you'll do more than just manage financial information. You'll use financial information to manage. And that includes managing your own career. For more information on your future as a CMA, mail this coupon now or telephone (604) 687-5891 or 1-800-663-9646 in B.C. l Please send me a copy of the Professional Program Guide 1992 - 93. l | NAME | | appress | | CITY The Society of Management | | Accountants of British Columbia | PROVING P.O. Box 11548 | | 1575 - 650 West Georgia Street I" POSTAL CODE Vancouver, B.C. V6B 4W7 |