INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MARCH 20, 1990 Community College Exchange Program Orientation Thursday, April 12, 1990 1300 - 1500 Boardroom (Royal) or Monday, April 23 1000 - 1200 Boardroom (Royal) These sessions are designed to share information with personnel of the College (Staff, Faculty or Ad- ministrators) who are interested in exploring an exchange with another College in North America. No registration is necessary for either session. Professional Development Workshop for College Support Services Staff Co-Sponsored with Fraser Valley College and Emily Carr College of Art and Design Tuesday, April 24 0900 - 1600 Room 3302 Facilitators: Lynn Bueckert and Lois Weninger, Research/ Education Coordinators, Clerical Workers’ Health and Safety Project Toward A Healthy Workplace The Workshops 1. Clerical Work: The Illusion of a Hazard-Free Environment 2. The Invisible Issue: Office Air 3. Designing a Healthy Workplace 4. Stress, Strategies and Visions for Change Through a combination of presenta- tion/lecture and group discussion this series of workshops will pro- vide participants with the opportunity to learn more about the specific health hazards that women may be exposed to in the workplace and to begin to develop strategies for making their workplace a heal- thier place to be. Toward A Healthy Workplace The Presenters Lynn Bueckert - Lynn’s work has focused on developing educational materials on office workers’ health issues and co-facilitating workshops with clerical workers. Lynn is also a Master of Arts candidate in the Women’s Studies Department at Simon Fraser University. Lois Weninger - with 17 years of ex- perience in clerical work to her credit, Lois’ work with the Clerical Workers’ Health and Safety Project has involved the development and writing of educational materials and the presentation of workshops on health and safety issues related to clerical work. If you are a departmental assistant, secretary or curriculum field base support person and if you want to learn more about health and safety issues for clerical workers this ac- tivity will be of interest. Participants will also have the op- portunity to meet and talk with people performing similar positions at Fraser Valley College and Emily Carr College of Art and Design. The $45.00 fee includes course materials, lunch and two coffee breaks. The fee will be waived for eligible employees. Space is limited so register early! If you have not yet received a registra- tion form, contact Marian Exmann in Personnel and Labour Relations (Local 5338). Wordperfect Training More WordPerfect training sessions will be available during the May/June period. The schedule for these sessions is currently being developed and will appear in this column once the dates and times have been confirmed. Health & CPR Programs Registration Information To register for any of the following programs please contact the Com- munity Programs and Services at 527-5472 after 1000 Monday to Friday and quote the appropriate course number. Do you Have a Fantastic Lifestyle? (Course #L902-520-16A Tuesday, April 10 0900 - 1200 Room: TBA Getting Ahead of the Pack (Course #L902-520-10A Thursday, April 19 0900 - 1200 Room: TBA Be 65 and Fully Alive (Course #L902-520-38A Thursday, May 3 0900 - 1200 Room: TBA CPRA *full* Tuesday, April 24 0900 - 1300 Room: TBA Performance Evaluation for Support Staff - Orientation for Staff The following addition- al orientation session is offered for those mem- bers of the support staff who work after- noon shifts and were therefore unable to at- tend the March 13 and 15, 1990 orientation ses- sions: Tuesday, April 10 1400 - 1600 Room: Boardroom (Royal Ave.)