Mad Hatter Page 22 NOTICE OF POSITION we wee eee ee ee ee ee eS A TEACHER IS REQUIRED at George M. Dawson Secondary School in Masset for the period from 1985Februaryl8 to 1985June28, This is a temporary position with the possibility of becoming a continuing one. Knowledge and experience in the following areas: testing and measurement, program development, and college level vocational programming would be an asset, as would experience working with Native Indian students. B.C. Teacher Certification is necessary. Candidates are invited to submit applications complete with supporting documents, to Mr. William R. Roper, Superintendent of Schools, School District No. 50, P.0.B. 69, Queen Charlotte, B.C. VOT 1S0 by 1985February0l. f # Thomas’ ougeon, rincipal, eorge M. Dawson Secondary School TDG:arw