NYIeprAac FVII ARCHIVES COLLIER Wr Student Assistants Departments wanting to hire Student Assistants for the Spring Semester (January) should submit the following to the Student Placement office by Friday, December 13, 1985: - a Request for Non-Teaching Personnel Form - a brief job description - qualifications Thank you, Connie Doherty, Student Placement and staff member and friends in the college to contribute and help make this a more enjoyable Christmas for those less fortunate in our area. The Marketing Club Group Flight Rate On May 18, 1986 1 am taking a group to London, England. If you and/or your family member would like to use our group flight rate, please let me know before December 4, 1985, Valerie MacBean Social Sciences Dept. Local 3448 Food Bank Drive The Marketing Club of Douglas College is initiating a college wide drive to collect goods for the Food Bank. The drive will begin December 2nd and wind-up on the 6th of December. College wide means everyone, from students to faculty, support staff and administration. Each ares (curriculum field base) is invited to compete aydinst the others, to find out who will be the Most peneraus, The poal is for every area to contribute [00% (1 piece per student/staff member) and the challenge has been issued by the students of the Commerce area for the other areas to match their generosity. An information board and chart will be set up in the concourse area during the drive and food bins will be located in each field base lounge or staff area. Please encourage your students, fellow facultv Provincial Candidate Douglas College biology instructor Dr. Adrienne Peacock won the Vancouver Little Mountain NDP nomination for the upcoming provincial election. §§§§§ Oe ——————————————————————— rea a a canal