MAD HATTER PAGE 4 ‘ inatory reductions of provincial grants in aid of cormmity education are being felt throughout the province, with spec- ial force among those institutions who see a major responsibility in the com munity college in terms of commmnity development and social education. C. INTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT Intensive discussions have been occur- ring regarding the "fine tuning” of expenditures for furnishings and equip- ment in the new building. Because we received 40% of what the College per- ceived to be the minimm adequate level of capital funding for the equipping of the new building, there has been very severe pressure on the budget. A dis- cretionary fund has been assembled, and there has been agreement reached between the Furnishings & Equipment Sub-Canmmit- tee and the Management Cammittee of the college that any expenditures from this contingency fund should occur following a review in early December. This dec- ision has been taken in spite of the. major pressures and argument for immed- iate expenditure from the contingency fund. The Educational Policy & Planning Can mittee participated with the Management group in a workshop on the Entry Level Training Procram proposal from the Ministry of Education. This program is intended to replace previous pre- employment and pre-vocational orienta- tion and preliminary training programs offered throughout the province. Par- ticipation in this new program could provide the means by which the college becomes involved in engineering-related and/or trades-related training, or al- ternatively it could be viewed as a "blind alley" because of the lack of higher level technical programs to which students could move. The Educa- tional Policy & Planning Committee has provided for the use of the Management Committee, a long list of concerns and questions that would have to be answered prior to the college entry in this field. As a result of this, and other discus- sions at the Education & Services Cam- mittee of the Board, and at Management Cammittee, I have accepted the advice of the Management Cormittee, and have indicated to the Ministry of Education that we are interested in participating in this program, but not until September, 1984, by which time appropriate meth- odical planning could occur. If in the meantime it becomes evident that such actions are inappropriate, we can de- cide notto participate. As and when a properly conceived educational propo- sal is developed, it will be recommended to the Education & Services Committee, and thence to the College Board. In this regard, a motion has been passed for the advice of the Board, which will be presented separately, fram the Educa- tional Policy & Planning Cormittee. A process of review of the existing Budget Decisions Unit listings is in progress. Some appeals are being made regarding the BDU rankings. The proce- dure will be that Divisional Curriculum & Planning Committees will review appeals, and make recommendations to the Educa- tional Policy & Planning Cammittee, which in turn will provide comment to the Board and Management Committee. I expect that a number of such appeals will have surfaced for the attention of the Board and Management Committee by the next regular meeting. D. INTERNAL MATTERS - STUDENT AFFAIRS AND LABOUR RELATIONS On September 22, I was invited to make a presentation to a general meeting of the students regarding the role of students in our governance system and