3 - 3 ' | DOUGLAS COLLEGE READING SERIES - FALL, 1980 ARCHIVES adi NEW WESTMINSTER Al Pittman Tuesday, Oct. 7 LOSOG a.m. N708 THREE BRITISH POETS: Dannie Abse Mieus. Becosk Tueday, Oct. 28 2200) psme N710 Adrian Henri Robin Skelton Monday, Nov. 3 "evO.Ol pists N710 Nellie McClung Thursday, Nov. 20 12:00 noon N106 Aritha van Herk Tuesday, Nov. 25 73:00 p.m. N708 / SURREY Al Pittman Monday, Oct. 6 7 200. Dims S203 Pat Lane Fraday, Oct. 3 £2300 “pm. $203 Joh Whyte Thursday, Oct. 30 2300 pm S701 Anne Szumigalski Friday, Nov. 28 12:00 noon $2103 RICHMOND Mona Fertig Wednesday, Oct. l TeOO0 pm. R332 Lakshmi Gill Thursday, Oct. 16 2310.0) pam. R407 Leonard Angel Wednesday, Nov. 26 75.0.0 prem R332 Aritha van Herk Tuesday, Dec. 2 Wis OOr Diether. R325 LANGLEY Dale Zieroth Thursday, Nov. 27 PO" Dams L7 COQUITLAM Lakshmi Gill Tuesday, Sept. 30 22-0 0p mes C204 MAPLE RIDGE Lionel Kearns Monday, Oct. 6 73,00) (pts M2 FOWLER TO SPEAK Dr. Robert H. Fowler of the Department of Social and Natural Sciences at the University of British Columbia will, at the invitation of our College's History/Political Science Discipline, make a presentation on the topic "The new Social Studies Curriculum of the schools of British Columbia and the "Inquiry" method of teaching." It will be held on Monday, Sept. 22, 4:15 p.m. on Richmond campus, room 420. The Social Studies curriculum, through its content, is linked to all sociological, humanistic and related subjects. Therefore the History/Political Science Discipline extends a cordial invitation to all members of administration, faculty and staff to come to Dr. Fowler's lecture. ome de George Porges